Feature Requests
Welcome Rex Users!
Let us know what you really want out of the system you use in your businesses every day!
Please include as much detail as possible about what the feature is and how the feature would make your life easier – this will encourage other rex users to vote for your request rather than creating a duplicate idea. The more votes you get the quicker your idea will come to our attention :)
How it works:
- You can add as many new ideas here as you like but each new idea that you add will cost you one of your votes.
- You have ten votes to use. You can distribute these however you like with a maximum of 3 on any single item. You can remove a vote if you change your mind and put it elsewhere.
- If you have voted on an item that is then implemented, you will get those votes back to use again.
Remember – no request is too small :)
Happy voting!
1330 results found
Clearer OFI Attendee Information
Could the number of those which have requested and been sent a Contract (out of all which have attended) be displayed with the numbers as above. So now the display for me on Sunday would be 11/31/8 which would tell me that 11 groups attended on Sunday, total attendances: 31 and, of the 31, 8 have taken a Contract. And could the people that have taken a contract, have a flag or some sort of recognition next to their name.
33 votes -
Automatic Removal of the Auction Date when the listing authority is changed from 'Auction' to 'Exclusive'
As per the header, when a listing authority is changed from 'Auction' to 'Exclusive' (particularly after the Auction Date has passed with no sale), the Auction Date does not automatically remove from the 'Events' section on the listing record. Further to this - the past auction date remains on the eBrochure.
If possible - requesting for this to be an automated process to ensure that this is not missed by admin staff.
33 votes -
Commercial Listings
We work in Commercial Leasing and every single property or vacancy we deal with needs the annual rental pricing as well as this costing broken down by the "floor area" size to find out what the price is per m2.
It is vital to our tenants, landlords and brochure information on quoting this along with the overall pricing for the space available per year. In our old software, this field would automatically populate with this figure - currently it requires us to manually input this data via our admin team, which is terribly time consuming
Is there a way for…
32 votes -
New 'Newsletter Block' required for open home times
It would be great if it could show the price, a brief description, main listing image and the agent contact details.
Attached is an open home report which would be great to copy to the Rex newsletter template.
32 votes -
Add/Integrate REX to Facebook Leads
Lead ads are the best way to run lead generation campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. Lead ads let people show their interest in a product or service by filling out a form in the ad with their details and allowing a business to follow up with them.
we would like REX to be on the panel of CRM's that Facebook can link to so these leads come through automatically into REX.
32 votes -
Individual Agent Buyer Match Landing Page For New & Existing Contacts
Give prospects the opportunity to add themselves with an active buyer match to our CRM.
Each agent/ account holder in our office account can generate a URL code that they can add to newsletter broadcasts, by having the URL we can create QR codes for print marketing and open homes.
Essentially, whatever way we get prospects to scan or click the link. They end up on our individual URL/ landing page which has my unique indentifier, they can add themselves as a contact first if required. They can then input their own buying requirements into our system ensuring it is…
31 votesJamie, thanks for taking the time to share this feedback. Enhancing the buyer experience is definitely on our radar and we really appreciate the great way in which you’ve summarised the problems you’re looking to solve.
vendor report
When creating a Vendor Report I'd love the opportunity to have a few selectable timeframes available. 'Entire Campaign', 'This Month' and 'This Week' make sense to me. I usually email the report through to my vendors so to speed that up pre-filling 'To' with the attached property owner and 'Regarding' with the property we're doing the report on would be idea. A stretch request would be to have a variable subject that is set somewhere in settings which would let us pull in variables like the property address etc so we could set a subject like, 'Vendor report for [property]…
31 votes -
When adding the listings into Projects & Stages, we should be able to have the ability to add each listing similar to how you add each listing to the Buildings area - this is much simpler and more efficient as you only have to add the lot number (or unit number) all the other info is duplicated. This will save a lot of time, the current system is very time consuming especially for new land estates which have hundreds of blocks and all need to be added as individual listings before you can add the listings to the stages.
31 votes -
Separate fields for 'address' on a contact
It would be awesome if the address field could be divided into separate fields.
Similar to how the property address details are divided up: Unit number, street number, street address, suburb, postcode & state.
31 votes -
Vendor property preview
We would like to be able to send our Vendors a preview of what their property looks like before it goes live as often they want to make changes to the photo order and wording etc, so that they can view the whole property details and photos.
30 votes -
Listing Stream - Administrator ability to Edit
As we process a listing or a contract we produce standard mail merge letters which attach to and appear on the listings stream - excellent.
At times though these letters once merged, printed and sent for signature come back from the consultants or Directors with changes which may be specific to the client or listing. The changes are made and the letter is merged again.
We should have a way for the administrator to remove the incorrect initial letter from the stream. The only letter displayed should be the one that is sent to the client.This could be done…
30 votes -
Suburb Groups for buyer match profiles
Rather than adding individual suburbs or postcodes each time you add a buyer match profile, have the ability to add a group ie Wester Suburbs which could be customisable.
30 votes -
Ability to add image to letter
It would be great to have the ability to add an image directly to a letter merge template rather than having to create a template as an email, copy the template and pasting into the letter template.
30 votes -
Field box for Contract Requests
Create a checkbox or field that can be selected to show when contracts are requested by/issued to an interested buyer, under the feedback enquiry section.
30 votes -
Filter appraisals in Pocket between hot/warm/cold
To be able to filter your appraisals in Pocket between hot/warm/cold
29 votes -
Make Open Home and Auction events viewable by anyone subscribed to a users calendar without giving full access to all appointment details.
It would be very useful for Personal Assistants if they subscribe to an agents calendar and can see the details of Open Home and Auction events but not be given full access to all appointments as the agent would have personal/confidential appointments in their calendar.
This would also be useful for joint listings because at the moment you can only add one agent to an open home so the second agent wouldn't be able to see the open home details in the calendar.
29 votes -
Mass deduplication
At the moment, you can only view 10 duplicates on a single page. There is also no way to filter said search to owning users.
Would be great to view more duplicates at once, and also filter owning users.
28 votes -
Ability for only the Listing Agent to view documents.
Only the Listing Agent (and Admin) can see the documents.
Other Agents in the office are able to view any office listings including photos, price, match price etc – but not the documents.
28 votes -
Display small blue Ownership logo next to your properties (same as contacts)
When you search contacts, there is a little blue headshot next to contacts if you are the owner of the contact. This helps differentiate between contacts you own and contacts someone else in the office owns. This is a very useful feature.
This feature would be great if also applied to when you search properties. At the moment, you dont know at a glance when typing into the search bar which property record is yours and which belongs to a different staff member
28 votes -
Notify Agents of Unsubscribers
Something needs to be implements where the Agent is notified of contacts who unsubscribe from a campaign- i.e. An agent receives an Email to the effect of: 'FYI - 'X' unsubscribed from your 'X' campaign'.
Its great that the individual is automatically removed from this mailing list at their own call, but this isn't made aware to the listing agent until they are on the contact card itself and see 'Email- terminated, Unsubscribed'
Can something be done about this?
27 votesI’m happy to inform you our developers already have what you just described in the pipeline. While i can’t give you an ETA on it’s release, keep your eye on the blog or the ‘Suggest a feature’ page in Rex – we’ll let you know through there when it’s live!
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