Sync Outlook - Appointment address and contact name
When scheduling appointments and syncing with outlook being able to note the clients name/ and address on where you are going for the appointment. Being able to open the appointment time from your phone/calender being able to see more details

Hi Stephen,
We too used to support that functionality via a desktop based plugin with the previous version of the product. Unfortunately, due to the variation of devices / email clients that are now used this became too difficult to maintain - at the end of it, we were supporting 20 different versions of the plugin across 4 different versions of windows and 5 different versions of outlook - and even then that only covered the use case of 30% of our client base.
The problem with the implementation is that it supports only Windows and only the desktop version of outlook - something that is increasingly less and less reflective of our user base and users move to Office 365, Google Apps, Mac, use self Hosted platforms and also as they become more and more mobile.
You can sync your calendar into outlook or your any phone via the ical link provided in your profile and get your contacts onto your phone via the CardDAV implementation that we support (
This ticket has been left open for the purpose of appending additional information to appointments that come down as part of the ical sync.
Stephen commented
It may be worth letting your developers know that it must be possible to sync with Outlook as with LockedOn you can choose to add any contact directly into Outlook and also choose to add any appointment etc. directly into Outlook. It is an absolute pain not having this facility as it means double entry which is one of the major things I was wanting to avoid when using a CRM. If the developers wish to see how it happens in LockedOn I can arrange to show them online exactly how this happens.