Separate fields for 'address' on a contact
It would be awesome if the address field could be divided into separate fields.
Similar to how the property address details are divided up: Unit number, street number, street address, suburb, postcode & state.

Craig Yarrow commented
Having this choice is a must as the manual labour involved in separating the fields after exporting from REx is far too time consuming. Printers need the separate fields to print on envelopes.
Lisa Nightinagle commented
SUPER IMPORTANT - it takes hours to separate the address fields in excel after export, when trying to analyse contact data (suburb exposure etc). If suburb was a separate field in REX, it would export as it's own column and be easier to analyse/filter etc
Anonymous commented
I definitely AGREE, it means that when you do a mail merge that the address would be forced to format correctly, rather than just how it was entered by the direct input
Jenny McErvale commented
I cannot believe that the "location" (Vendor address) does not default if already in the system - as in the property for sale is in and often that is the mailing address of the Vendor?
Otherwise you would "add address" but then at least the Suburb should come up with correct postcode so that both suburb spelling and postcode is correct - can be easily miss-spelt with this system I believe. -
David Handby commented
We NEED individual fields for address. At the moment for any mailing, the addresses are appearing as one long continuous line - not practical.
Chad commented
Currently for contacts in Rex, the two address entries under Location share the same merge field - if both have something entered, the postal address takes priority and is used for the merge.
We'd find if useful if these were two separate merge fields - for example, so a letter could reference an address that may not necessarily be a property attached to the contact's record, or a non-specific address, such as only a suburb.
Josephine Jones commented
Every quarter I do a mail merge with a certain tag through excel. The company that prints our letters need a separate column for the street address & suburb.
When I merge the contacts, the suburb will always show in the same column along with the street name & number. This is due to the whole address being added into the same text field in Rex.I hope that makes sense!
Kelvin Matthews commented
I agree totally. we have a data base of 30,000 contacts and the current format has allowed too many irregularities. not sure why there was a difference in the first place as I have never used a data base with a free form text field.
Kelvin Matthews commented
The field needs to be divided into sections ie unit number, street number, street address, suburb, postcode & state, similar to how the property details are divided.
Currently, the format in which the addresses of contacts is exported is not suitable for creating label runs or bulk addressing of envelopes by commercial printers.
Andrew Rowland commented
Rather than just having a free form text field, populate the contact's address using the properties database. Other databases have this arrangement and works very well particularly for absentee owners. It allows large agencies to expand their geographic reach as more properties are added. Also - a checkbox/default to populate the postal address as the same as residential address. (As it usually is)