Individual Agent Buyer Match Landing Page For New & Existing Contacts
Give prospects the opportunity to add themselves with an active buyer match to our CRM.
Each agent/ account holder in our office account can generate a URL code that they can add to newsletter broadcasts, by having the URL we can create QR codes for print marketing and open homes.
Essentially, whatever way we get prospects to scan or click the link. They end up on our individual URL/ landing page which has my unique indentifier, they can add themselves as a contact first if required. They can then input their own buying requirements into our system ensuring it is the most relevant information.
It would also be good to possibly notify us of a new buyer lead so that we can then follow up with a phone call to identify their needs as a buyer and potential seller.
- Buyer's missing out on Off Market Listings or not being notified of new listings elsewhere.
- Seller's holding off on listing as they don't have anywhere to buy.
- Some buyers/ sellers can be quite passive and anti asking real estate agents for help or to be notified
- Buyers can take the intitive to add themselves and their requirements
- Buyers don't have to necassarily talk to the agent or reach out
- We can now identify potential sellers within our respective areas through local print marketing with QR code imports
- We increase the efficiency of the match alert
- Increased open home attendees to off market listings
- Better service and solving the issue of 'I want to move but have no where to buy because i keep missing out'.
Jamie, thanks for taking the time to share this feedback. Enhancing the buyer experience is definitely on our radar and we really appreciate the great way in which you’ve summarised the problems you’re looking to solve.