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75 results found

  1. Be able to sort contacts by their residential suburb

    We recently had a staff member leave and wanted to reallocate their contact ownership to remaining sales staff but based on their residential suburb. Anyone in Sales knows that generally every person has their own suburbs that they are the "specialists" in and that's how I wanted to allocate these contacts. I found a way around it, but it was very difficult and time consuming. And what if you want to contact everyone in a particular suburb to let them know about a listing or sale? I'm not sure why the residential address is a text box and not separate…

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  2. Pocket - Open Home User Ease

    We are a new office to REX coming from using Homepass and there are some minor changes that would make a HUGE difference to the usability of the open house section of pocket if you were open to it

    1) when a buyer attends a property a history of properties they have seen is visible as well as how many times they have attended the particular open home

    2) if the attendees could show in a list in date order when looking at the OFI rather then a click in list

    3) Document sending - the ... on the…

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  3. Appointment notifications

    Could we get REX integrated with the ios system so if we have an appointment at 2:00 Saturday, we will receive a notification at a specified time through our phone?
    At the moment if I have an appointment set at 2:00 I have to remember that I have it and go into the app to confirm it. There is no reminder notification like other apps have which sort of defeats the purpose of setting an appointment if you can't rely on the app to remind you of it.

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  4. Send email to agency when marketing credit balance gets low

    We need to be able to check the balance of our marketing credits, perhaps an email notification to a specific user when the balance is low.

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  5. UI / Sort Functionality Improvements

    I'm not sure where to put this -- maybe each point should be separate, but they all sort of go hand in hand.

    --Selecting multiple records in search results--
    Currently when you click the check box after you've completed a search, all records are selected. It would be great to have the option to 'Select All' and 'Deselect All' but having the current single checkbox only selecting all the records displayed on that page. I've had instance when I want to select all the records on one page, but then only select a few on the next one but currently…

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  6. Add comment to Announcements

    It would be great to have other users within the office be able to comment (a bit like a facebook post) on an announcement.

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  7. Ability to specify a record owner when adding a property/contact/company

    It would be great to be able to choose the record owner that a record is assigned to when it's being added to the system, instead of it automatically being owned by the logged in user. eg. just after you've clicked on the '+' button and you're entering the contact name, phone number and email address. In our office a lot of our records are added in by our admin staff and they're having to either reassign them manually as they go - or wait until the end of the day and do it as a mass action. This would…

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  8. Ability to increase the on screen window space manually to see more than 1 or 2 lines of text when composing emails/adding notes

    In certain areas you can already increase the on-screen text window size to see more of the information in the window, like when drafting the text to a listing.

    However in the buyer matching section when matching property & then emailing those matches only a very small window is available to draft/modify the text on the email.

    Can the same window function be applied here?

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  9. Availability of more fonts

    To enable greater customisation within the brochure design mode, and when creating letter templates and reports, it would be great to have access to a wider selection of fonts. For example, my agency's brand font is "Exo", which is a freely available font.

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    Hi all,

    We’re looking into adding support for custom fonts for brochures and letters – we can package these fonts into the PDF’s if you have a valid font license to allow for that.

    Emails aren’t going to work as they require the font to be installed on the recipients machine to render correctly.

  10. pocket kiosk

    Pocke Kiosk in New Zealand we are required to have clients sign a health and safety when viewing a open home, could this be added to the sign in process for open homes.

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  11. Colour coded notes

    When we make a note against a property it would be beneficial to be able to make them a colour ( Like in our calander ). I've had important notes made & pinned them to the top - but they don't stand out from the other notes. The ability to make it coloured eg yellow - would help to make certain notes stand out.

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  12. make a note against a property in bulk ie when a street is dropped with a flyer a note can be put against each property in the street.

    Write one note for multiple properties ie when a letterbox drop is completed on a street a note can be attached to each property, with just one entry.

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  13. Warning message to appear when entering an OFI in the past

    Perhaps an error/notification message could appear if you accidentally enter an OFI in the past. If it was intentional you can accept the message and if not, then at least you are made aware of your error.

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  14. Please add ‘address’ feature to rex kiosk, this will enable us to capture residential address of all open home participants

    Please add ‘address’ feature to rex kiosk, this will enable us to capture residential address of all open home participants

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  15. Notifications Sent To Record Owner When Someone Else Makes A Change

    It would be really great if notifications such as an email were sent to the record owner when someone else makes a change to their records.
    I am the office manager who makes a lot of changes/additions on behalf of the agents and how am I to know that they know the changes have been made?

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  16. door knock - When entering a note there are options like Call, SMS, Letter etc ... but no Door Knocked

    When entering a note on a contact there are options like Call, SMS, Letter etc ... but no Door Knocked. This is a huge part of all real estate activities, can we please have this added asap

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  17. Suburb or Agent Dependant Stocklists

    Could you please implement a category of suburb or agent to the stocklists so that users are able to create stocklists for clients to browse through their individual listings in that suburb or for that agent without showing all listings for the entire agency. This would be healful for individual agents as well as clients looking in particular suburbs or areas. Even an option to select the listings which display and those that don't would work so that individual agents can select their listinsg or those that pertain to a particular suburb. Thank you,

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  18. Other Details & 'Key Features'

    In the "other details" & "Features" tab under "more info" there are only a few options for other details that show on We would like to see alot more features added like other companies have so our purchasers can see ALL features to the property not just a few. We think this is extremely important and can see other businesses can do this.

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  19. 3 votes

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  20. Support Video improvement

    The tutorial video titled "Support" is zoomed in and it's not possible to see what the tutor is clicking for some of the tutorial making it not as helpful as it should be

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