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47 results found

  1. Amendable Sales Advice & Commission Sheet

    Amendable Sales Advice Document & Combined Commission sheet

    To Be able to
    *Edit the document; add and remove fields, change the format and order of information
    *Have the solicitor address details on the form
    *Have a 1 page document for sales advice and commission worksheet
    *To be able to remove the commission
    *To show the acceptance date on the contract
    *The option to upload your own sales advice template and associate fields to information required

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  2. Track Dates

    Currently you can set tracks according to:

    a. a start date, and

    b. forward dates.

    Track functionality and usefulness would be significantly advanced it you could:

    a. Specify actions according to key dates associated with the listing record (i.e. listing date, expiry date, contract date, expected unconditional date and expected settlement date), and

    b. dates could be calculated forward and back from a these dates.

    We were able to do this in our previous software and it was great . . .

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    It looks like there’s 2 requirement requests going on here:

    1. Triggering addition of tracks based on an event.
    2. Having reminders that are attached to floating dates (e.g. unconditional date, settlement date etc). E.g. 3 days before unconditional.

    Would be good to get some more info on both of these items.

    1. Regarding triggering addition of tracks based on events:

    • Presumably you want support for this in multiple modules. If so, is it all modules or just some?
    • For each module, what are the events that you think should be supported for triggering track addition?
    • Is this an automatic process or is the user prompted to add the track when the event occurs.
    • If the desire is for the track addition it to be automatic, how do we deal with questions like which contact should a track be attached to in a listing or property that includes multiple contacts…
  3. Bulk assign tracks

    Bulk assign tracks to multiple contacts.

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  4. Can we add the 'test merge' feature in the template section again please

    So you don't have to find a contact or property to test the letter/email settings and you can test the letter/email in the same screen so you can see finish product in case you need to edit things...

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    This is semi complete with a recent release. You can now preview how content will render to a letter (the system will fully render the PDF with letter head etc. if appropriate).

    Sample merge tag data at this stage is still not supported.

  5. Ability to add image to letter

    It would be great to have the ability to add an image directly to a letter merge template rather than having to create a template as an email, copy the template and pasting into the letter template.

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  6. Solicitor Address for Sales Advice

    On the sales advice under the section vendor solicitor and purchaser solicitor, can we have the solicitors address and postal address details on the sales advice, as this will make it easier to post the sales advice. This was on the old sales advice and is more convenient to look at when looking for details on the file.

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  7. Default Font for Templates and Merges

    We would love to see a set and forget type option where you set up a default font for merges across the entire account. This would stop a lot of different font types in emails and letters.

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  8. When a track is updated, updated already assigned tracks with updated tasks

    It would be really helpful, as we expand our business & ideas that when we update a track in the Admin section, it reflects on tracks that have already been assigned instead of manually going through each property to delete & re-enter a track to get the updated tasks required.

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  9. Sales Advices in Word Document

    Having the option for the sales advice to be in a word document as well as PDF!
    This way we can edit out the commission tab (as this doesn't go to the purchasers solicitor)

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  10. Pocket - Add tracks to properties, then link the contact

    In pocket we cannot add a track to a property, then link the contact.

    I have to go to a web browser to add a track this way

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  11. Sales Advice "deposit" breakdown to allow for initial deposit date paid/due & full deposit date paid/due

    Since buyers can pay their deposits in various ways & at different times i.e. an initial 0.25% deposit on a particular date with the balance due on another date OR no initial deposit but a full deposit due on a particular date, it would be clearer if we can note a breakdown of when they paid each amount &/or when it's due rather than only 1 "deposit date" under Selling details on the Sales Advice as this isn't clear as to whether it's actually been paid or if it's DUE to be paid. Buyers may not always pay a deposit…

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  12. Account Sale with GST showing

    We are in Victoria and some conveyance has asked to add the GST information into our Account Sale.

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  13. Hover over merge fields on Templates to make sure you have the correct one

    When there are multiple clients with the same name you cannot tell which one you want in the merge field. Hovering over the name allowing the email / phone / postal address to show (depending on the merge) which one is correct

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  14. Track integration to iCal

    Allowing tracks to push the events into the Rex iCal would be helpful

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  15. Track Listings - ability to print off the tracks

    A feature that allows you to print off the track listing so that you can discuss and then duplicate to create your own that allows it to be suited to your requirements.

    It is too time consuming to print screen etc and printing directly from the site cuts off most information

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  16. Set dates in tracks rather than number of intervals.

    Specific times are important when dealing with personal situations in tracks.
    Handy for Xmas,Birthday, season articles and much more

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  17. Individualised tracks, sms and email templates

    My work flow involves sending many emails and sms's from my crm. I would like to see the ability for each agent to add templates for their own use (not system wide which would confuse others). I have personalised emails, sms and tracks which I set up and therefore don't have to copy and paste from elsewhere, the ability to add form fields to auto-populate certain information is a real time saver.

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    You have a new client.

    Perhaps they're a buyer for one of your new listings.

    So Rex has a box where you've got numerous email trails set up and you tick the correct one for this particular property allowing you to automate your communications with the buyer to some extent.

    There'd be a first email that perhaps thanks that person for registering and provides an extra detail about the property that's not been revealed to the public yet.

    Email 2 might be a snapshot of the queue waiting to get in at your first open house.

    Email 3 might be…

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  19. Tracks- items set in the track to activate x days from last completed task(like daisy chan)better workflow

    instead of having your whole track start from the start date and roll out from there. it would be far better to have each activity set in the track to be launched (x amount of days from last completed task) this will give you way better workflow and stop any overlapping or huge pile up of things if you need to go away or stop work for a certain period of time.

    Would help with way better workflow and stop the need to defer tracks and any overwhelm that you might be activating things out of sequence if you need…

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  20. Only see the correct tracks for the correct module

    Right now you can see all tracks for all modules even if, for example, you're trying to assign a track to a contact, you can still see all the tracks for all the modules (contacts, listings and properties). It's annoying to have to sort through them all and it seems like an easy fix.

    I think this will impact the learning curve for new agents and new users.

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