AdminAlex Babkov
(Admin, Rex Software)
My feedback
44 results found
34 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
Hi there, can you be a bit more specific in your feedback? Do you mean you had to ask the same people for the same details half an hour apart? Are you referring to Pocket or Pocket Kiosk? Both systems have deduplication built into them.
19 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
Hi mark,
With respect to 1 - i believe we are working on this.
With respect to 2 - kiosk automatically deduplicates based on a setting that you can select in the app. Given that this application is designed to be handed to clients of yours that attend your open home, them seeing contacts that exist in your database is not ideal.
42 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
The contract condition verification process is there to accomodate this.
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
Unfortunately due to security limitations imposed by the iOS platform this is not possible.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
The salutation is automatic, the field is there to allow you to override it. Not sure what you mean regarding the other item? Are you referring to the legal tab on a listing?
93 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
The item is already being considered but we don't have enough clear information unfortunately to do anything about it at this stage.
This suggestion specifically refers to both a sales advice and a commission worksheet as a combined document - the two things are largely unrelated which has lead to not much movement on this item. We also think there's perhaps different people talking about different things in this suggestion.
A fully adjustable sales advice is highly unlikely to occur (our reporting engine is simply not in a position to support this at the moment) - injection of commission worksheets into the sales advice is also unlikely to occur (at least not in abstract). Even if we gave this ability it's unlikely to solve the problem in question.
What we need to be able to help is a better understanding of how you're using these and why you're wanting to omit certain pieces of information or rearrange in certain cases. e.g.
* Why would you want to send a commission statement (an internal document detailing commission splits between agents internally in your office) to your vendor or purchaser's solicitors
* Would you send the same sales advice to your vendor and purchaser solicitors
* Are you printing a sales advice internally and wanting it to include additional information
* etc. etc. etc.If this whole request was in the form of the below, it's likely it would have been implemented a long time ago:
* Please add acceptance date to contract
* Please allow us to produce a second form of this document for use case YAn error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
What is the reason for wanting the commission worksheet with the sales advice? Why do the buyer / seller's solicitors need to know how commission is being divvied up internally?
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented - check out marketing overrides - (specifically the under contract override)
25 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
How do you deal with duplicate content being sent to the contacts?
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
Does this refer to the image uploaded against a contact in the system?
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
There is a ranking that is applied to the statuses to isolate the most important one that is immediately shown. Can you clarify the exact situation you're seeing confusing / unhelpful behaviour for this one?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
Hi Janice, it's possible this is already supported. If not, could you send some content to our support team so we can double check on our end.
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
Hi Brett,
Can you clarify where this filter is currently available for other statuses so we can look into this further?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
The GST issue sounds more like a payroll problem than something that should be getting dealt with at the time of paying rather than at the time of calculation. In terms of tracking running totals (which you mentioned in a different suggestion) this is typically where the agent ledgers add on comes in (please note, due to limitations on Xero's end, the xero integration is unfortunately not available in New Zealand).
We'll leave this item open for future feedback in case dealing with GST at an earlier stage makes sense.
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
Hi Stuart, does this refer to the behaviour in pocket?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
@Mark It's possible you don't have auto processing turned on. Domain emails should auto parse and attach to the relevant property immediately. Any associated records will appear in the leads list view. - note the setting only affects new leads received after enabled. If this isn't working for you and all settings are correct, please contact support.
13 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
Hi Mark,
To be clear, Pocket does have all of this functionality, it's simply not present in the "Add a contact" workflow - it's present on the contact itself in various areas (most of which you'll find in the related tab). The statement I was making simply related to reasons to not overload the "Create" workflow which is deliberately limited to 4 fields.
In relation to adding the property if it doesn't already exist - I assumed this was available but apparently it's something that's missing from this particular auto complete.
Happy to take this as a suggestion for two things:
1. When adding a related property via Contact Record > Related > Properties - if the record does not exist allow the user the option to add it (similar to the way related contacts works ).
2. When adding a new relationship give the user a tick box to "Set this property as the owner's address" or something similar - if you tick this that would populate the address field on the contact record.An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
You can add a property to an owner via related > properties once the contact has been added.
Putting more and more in the add workflow tends to be a bit dangerous. Do we also present creation of match profiles as part of the add workflow, extra notes, feedback for the last property etc they attended, relationships to other contacts in the system. When you try to optimize too much you often end up at a worse solution.
I am curious to see how many votes you get here and why a contact's residence which can be entered immediately after addition of the contact (which from watching the behaviour and interaction of users almost never seems to be asked for or added while in the field) is any more justified for prioritization to the addition workflow than anything else.
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
The tracks available depend on the context from where you're attaching.
* Listing tracks can only be attached to listings.
* Property tracks can be attached to Properties or Listings (the listing knows about the property it is related to so these tracks are available)
* Contact tracks can be attached from anywhere as long as a contact object has been selected. -
28 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
What's in the privacy act relating to this? What kind of documents are you storing here?
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
@Caroline: You should be using Trust Funds Requests to achieve this - you shouldn't legally be issuing an invoice until funds are actually spent / committed.
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
Hi Kathy,
What's the use case for this?
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
Are you targeting them by postal address?... wouldn't you be interested in targeting your patch of properties and finding the associated owners of those properties as opposed to finding people who live in your patch?
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
The merge tags currently are only for upcoming opens - are you suggesting that they be changed (just trying to work out when someone would use the merge tag for event 3 if they only have one upcoming event)?
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
How do we determine which one is the morning one and which one is the afternoon one. What do we do for agencies that don't run morning and afternoon ones?
Maybe merge tags for first upcoming open, second upcoming open, third upcoming open etc.? Can't be controlled for specific days however.
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
If you have 10 upcoming open homes, how many should we show?
@anonymous - thanks for the details. You can add feedback, interest level etc through pocket (This is the prompt once you've checked the contact in). You are also able to add match profiles and other details on the fly. Please confirm you haven't accidentally installed the kiosk app...
With regards to the ability to select existing contacts we have noted this item.