Amendable Sales Advice & Commission Sheet
Amendable Sales Advice Document & Combined Commission sheet
To Be able to
*Edit the document; add and remove fields, change the format and order of information
*Have the solicitor address details on the form
*Have a 1 page document for sales advice and commission worksheet
*To be able to remove the commission
*To show the acceptance date on the contract
*The option to upload your own sales advice template and associate fields to information required

Anonymous commented
On our sales advice to the Vendor's Conveyancer, we have our expenses outlined and totalled (total commission payable and all advertising owed) and the deposit amount held in trust with the balance of deposit to remit / or the balance payable at settlement. The Purchaser's Conveyancer does not get the expenses advice. Rex doesn't merge these fields from the invoices section, nor does it calculate the remittance amount based on the deposit held, so we manually create a word document each time, with the remaining details on the standard sales advice. Would be great to be able to merge one sales advice including commission due, advertising due, amount to remit / amount payable by vendor - then one more advice omitting these expenses for the purchaser's conveyancer. The current bal @ settlement, comm structure and listing id info is somewhat irrelevant. Would also be great to have an office admin point of contact field as well as agent :)
Wayne commented
Flexibility in a sales advice would be great
AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
The item is already being considered but we don't have enough clear information unfortunately to do anything about it at this stage.
This suggestion specifically refers to both a sales advice and a commission worksheet as a combined document - the two things are largely unrelated which has lead to not much movement on this item. We also think there's perhaps different people talking about different things in this suggestion.
A fully adjustable sales advice is highly unlikely to occur (our reporting engine is simply not in a position to support this at the moment) - injection of commission worksheets into the sales advice is also unlikely to occur (at least not in abstract). Even if we gave this ability it's unlikely to solve the problem in question.
What we need to be able to help is a better understanding of how you're using these and why you're wanting to omit certain pieces of information or rearrange in certain cases. e.g.
* Why would you want to send a commission statement (an internal document detailing commission splits between agents internally in your office) to your vendor or purchaser's solicitors
* Would you send the same sales advice to your vendor and purchaser solicitors
* Are you printing a sales advice internally and wanting it to include additional information
* etc. etc. etc.If this whole request was in the form of the below, it's likely it would have been implemented a long time ago:
* Please add acceptance date to contract
* Please allow us to produce a second form of this document for use case Y -
Mark Kentwell commented
Lots of votes here guys. How many is the tipping point?
Ashleigh commented
I would be great to be able to include a second user name for the office contact not just the listing agent. The other comments regarding advertising are good too.
Damian Raxach commented
We are new to Rex and love the Sales Advice letter but now having tried to use it for the first time, see that a 'one advice' does not fit all....i.e what I send to the seller/sellers sol/buyer/buyers sol is slightly different....perhaps the standard sales advice could have check boxes so we can include/exclude the info we wish.
I agree with a lot of the comments below too - info on unpaid marketing for sure, full solicitors details for sure, don't want buyer and seller to see each others tel no's but this is excellent for solicitors... -
AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
What is the reason for wanting the commission worksheet with the sales advice? Why do the buyer / seller's solicitors need to know how commission is being divvied up internally?
AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented - check out marketing overrides - (specifically the under contract override)
Anonymous commented
We send out a Sales Advice when someone makes an offer, and we are instructing the solicitors to prepare the contracts and exchange when they can. Sometimes there can be quite a delay between sending out Sales Advice and when the contracts are exchanged. During this time, the property remains on the market, so in Rex we can't "Accept" the contract or it says it's under contract online - when it's not. But until we "Accept" it, we can't do a Commissions worksheet. Which means that ALL Sales Advices generated say that our commission is $0.00. Crazy! We need to - at the very least - be able to edit that field.
Roz Davidson commented
To make the sales advice more user friendly, we need it to be totally customisable and be able to edit every field and the option to add extra fields or delete fields if required.
Anonymous commented
We need a copy for vendor and purchaser with different information for each.
Ie we dont send commission to the purchasers solicitor and we dont send the vendor or purchaser contact details to the other side just names and addresses for contract purposes
remove contract date as it creates confusion that a contract has been signed -
Anonymous commented
We really need to be able to edit this document so it shows the commissions, advertising, balances and other details that are relevant to the solicitor.
Anonymous commented
I would like to see the property legal details added to the sales advice. eg: lot number, plan/diagram/strata number, volume and folio
Anonymous commented
200% agree, please add this feature...
Anonymous commented
I think this is a great idea. To be able to do sales Advice and include any unpaid marketing or any other charge from the one place will be a great time saver.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous, I have set up my own Sales Advice template which merges all of the information you mentioned into the one document. This is saved as a letter in my Letter Merge list. Shoot me an email at if you want to have a look and see if it suits you.
Anonymous commented
Please like this idea as i think it is a really valuable feature