Mass Creation of Brochures
Currently, you have to go to each listing to print a brochure. It would make life a lot easier if we could select specific listings, then select 'Merge/Print Brochures'. We could then print multiple listing brochures rather than having to go into each individual listing.

We’re happy to announce this suggestion has been brought to life by our developers and is now live in the system.
Now it’s just a matter of filtering your listings, selecting the relevant records, and hey presto, you can generate a whole afternoon’s worth of brochures, or prepare your entire agency window in just a few clicks.
For a full update on todays releases, check out our release article on the Rex blog:
Anonymous commented
It would be great to be able to print brochures in bulk instead of going into each listing and print
Madeline commented
It would be great if we could print a dl brochure and import say 3 listings at a time so the one brochure displays 3 different listings