Feature Requests
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Let us know what you really want out of the system you use in your businesses every day!
Please include as much detail as possible about what the feature is and how the feature would make your life easier – this will encourage other rex users to vote for your request rather than creating a duplicate idea. The more votes you get the quicker your idea will come to our attention :)
How it works:
- You can add as many new ideas here as you like but each new idea that you add will cost you one of your votes.
- You have ten votes to use. You can distribute these however you like with a maximum of 3 on any single item. You can remove a vote if you change your mind and put it elsewhere.
- If you have voted on an item that is then implemented, you will get those votes back to use again.
Remember – no request is too small :)
Happy voting!
344 results found
Tracks - ordering/numbering tasks that are on the same day
Currently, there is no way of ordering tasks which are due on the same day. They appear in a random order. We've had to resort back to paper checklists to do things in order.
147 votesWith the recent release of our enhanced reminders functionality we're happy to say that you can now use tracks as checklists and set the order of how reminders will appear https://www.rexsoftware.com/updates/enhanced-reminders
Add ability to search for a key number
The option to have a key number saved in Rex is a great idea, but without the ability to 'search' for a key number it is fairly useless.
Please add the option to search for a key number :)
13 votesAs part of the new Key Registry release, you can now search for keys by key number!
There’s also a bunch of other exciting improvements, including the ability to check keys in & out, support for multiple keys, and more.
Email Dropbox attaching to property
Can the emails sent to your dropbox account be able to be attached to the listing and not need a contact to be filed correctly, if the property name and/or RX# be in the subject line of the email
35 votesYou now have the ability to file emails from the dropbox to listings and properties. Thank you for your suggestion.
Sales Advice - Remove commission
I would like to be able to add or remove a commission amount on a sales advice.
15 votesThanks for the suggestion. There is now an option when generating a sales advice as to whether you want to include the commission details or not. Additionally, you can choose include or not include the buyer’s and purchaser’s details.
Related Contacts against Listings
It would be great to be able to add:
Buyer's settlement agent
Seller's settlement agent
Finance broker
Power of Attorney
As related contacts to a listing so that when you are setting reminders or tracks, for example, send copy of contract to Finance broker, you can add them as a related contact. Also just handy to be able to access their details from the main screen rather than having to dip into legal/contract tab or property record to get details.209 votesWe are excited to announce that you can now create custom contact relationship types for listings & properties! This lets you define relationships such as Tenant, Power of Attorney, Finance Broker, and so on.
You can read more about the feature in our blog post: https://www.rexsoftware.com/blog/create-your-own-custom-relationship-categories/
Customised Reports
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can we have the ability to customise reports. The current one size fits all is really inadequate. Thank you.
21 votesWe introduced Custom Reports in August of 2022 and have since added support for custom fields, and will be adding support for appraisals shortly. Custom Reports allow you to group rows, conduct aggregate calculations and to see related data all in one place. See our help article here: https://support.rexsoftware.com/hc/en-us/articles/8006627994137-Introduction-to-Custom-Reports
Merge Event Details to SMS/Emails
I would like to create an email/sms template to notify vendors and prospective buyers of OFI times, however the event details are not a merge field. Can you please include event details as a merge item for sms and email templates.
12 votesGood news: we have recently added extra merge tags to accommodate this.
Listing (Marketing) > Next open home date
Listing (Marketing) > Next open home time
Listing (Marketing) > Next open home agent
Listing (Marketing) > Upcoming open homes (table of all upcoming open homes) -
Ability to differentiate between a Rental Appraisal and Sales Appraisal
It would be great to have a button the appraisal section which allows us to show whether it's a rental appraisal or a sales appraisal so that if you have two teams working off the same database, one being a rental team and the other a sales team, then you can differentiate between their appraisals.
97 votesWe are happy to let you know that you can now have a rental appraisal alongside a sales appraisal as part of our new Appraisals Pipeline functionality. Check out more here: https://www.rexsoftware.com/updates/appraisals-pipeline
Easier to click properties in a match profile
Currently when you email a list of properties to a buyer, the only way they can see the e-brochure of an individual property is to click "read more"
It would be good if the buyer could also click the main photo and/or the address to get through to the e-brochure. I've had more than a few buyers not understand that they need to click "read more"7 votesWe have updated the base match email template so that now the listing title and the listing image links through to the e-brochure. You can find this template here:
Advanced HTML Templates > Match Emails > Rex Match Email Template
If you want to create your own custom templates for match emails, we would suggest duplicating this template first.
Easier searching for contacts and properties.
For example, if you were looking for Peter Mark Smith, you would not have to search the phrase exactly, if you type Mark Smith the search should return the closest matches based on what you typed... this should be similar to spelling mistakes. Searches should return the closest possble matches.
32 votes -
Emailing original file instead of sharing link
One of our clients uses an email system that blocks links due to security issues. It would be good if there was an option next to the file that said 'Send Link' or 'Send Original' so that the attachment could actually be attached to the email the traditional way instead of embeded into the email.
31 votesThanks for voting everyone. We're pleased to announce that there is now a setting that lets you choose to send all email attachments as real files, rather than email links.
You can learn more about this new setting - as well as the pros and cons of real attachments vs link attachments - in our announcement post.
Under Offer Feature
Add an under offer feature rather than marking it as sold - this is essential for projects
5 votes -
'View all in a list' to be available for searches with more than one result
This used to be available before the search bar redesign but now creates a lot more clicks to get to a list of smaller complexes or maybe two contacts that you want to merge. The cut off is currently three, when four or more results are returned you get the 'View all in a list' appearing otherwise you are forced to go to Properties > Properties > Filter > Apply Filter or Contacts > All Contacts > Filter Contacts > Apply Filter. For such a small change this would be a great time-saver for us.
15 votesAs part of the global search overhaul we released last year, you're able to open a list when more than one result is returned, allowing you do bulk merges, etc.
Printable leads list
The leads list (list of incoming leads) screen should be able to be exported for printing. Phone numbers and names of contacts should be included, as well as which property they enquired on, as well as the agent it was assigned to. Urgent please.
58 votesThis is possible with the advent of custom reporting. You can view a list of leads with a combined view of the listing/property enquired on, as well as seeing the contact details of who submitted the lead. This list is exportable as a CSV or Excel file so it can be manipulated and printed as you desire.
Auto cleaning/removing clients who have terminated a buyer match from appearing in reverse searches
Currently when a buyer terminates from receiving property brochures in REX they will still appear as a profile match when reverse matching against a property. There is no indication in this search that the buyer has terminated from receiving these alerts either in REX or the exported CSV file.
I am suggesting either the clients who terminate their searches be removed from appearing in these searches or be indicated on the report as having terminated their match profile.
This will allow the agent to either have a clean list of active buyers or be able to contact said client and…
33 votesWe have completed this in 2023. You can now set match profiles to automatically archive if there is no activity on a match profile for a certain time period.
Add Buyers Into Open Home And Doing Match Profile
When you add buyers as a private inspection or open home and you put in there details to have a button you can click to do the match profile there would be great. Rather than having to put the buyers in and then click on each buyer to do the match criteria and or notes
2 votesWe implemented the auto creation of buyer match profiles this year, and will be following up with automated campaigns in the next couple of weeks. Thank you!
Pocket Kiosk e-Brochures
Pocket Kiosk App a great addition, However it would be fantastic if we had the ability to utilise personalised e-brochures instead of the Rex generated brochure. We currently create individual e-documents for all our listing and would love to be able to add a link in the property listing to enable that to be forwarded at the time of check-in. This would extremely helpful to us and our buyers as our brochures provide more than just the property information. They include agents information, buying information and area information etc.
1 voteThis is already available.
You can manage the template content here: https://app.rexsoftware.com/admin/settings/open_homes – notice that you can insert merge tags (same as those available when setting up a listing mail merge template).
If you add “_micro_link” to the end of the relevant merge tag, the system will also convert the link to a micro link for you.
Can we have a system where - an automatic text is sent to the buyer confirming that they'll be at the appointment? They respond with a Y or N. This will ensure that no-one is ever stood up again!! :-) (It's like what hairdressers use)
3 votesOur new calendar feature includes the ability to send confirmation messages to guests, as well as vendors. It also includes comprehensive guest alerts before the appointment.
Send clients to your Rex powered website instead of the Rex Ebrochure
When clients click detail links to view more information about a property in an email, direct them to the property listing on your Rex powered website rather than to the Rex Ebrochure.
3 votesTo all those that have voted for this – this is available in Rex. Please contact support for more information on getting this set up.
AUTO match profile that you can assign for a new OFI/contact. Why no GENERIC template to save then select for new buyers/contacts
AUTO match profile that you can assign for a new OFI/contact. There should be a GENERIC template you can save then select for new buyers/contacts.
The BEST way would be to have a match profile automatically applied to a OFI attendee or contact who came through a particular property. (You should be able to set what match profile this is on based on the property).
3 votesThis is available via our automated buyer match profile feature. See more in our help centre, or set it up yourself right now!
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