Dashboard for residential only viewing
We would like to see only residential information on dashboard for residential sales people and likewise for the rental department. My dashboard is clogged up with all rental listings and information

The suggestion you posted was a hit with our developers. It hasn’t been approved for development just yet (they’re still brainstorming ways it could be implemented) but we’re all very hopeful it will become a fully-fledged Rex feature in the future. Thanks again for your idea, and for taking an active interest in the development of Rex.
Kylie commented
We have the same battle and would really like this customisable also. Our new Projects Business only sees the Resales/General real-estate listings which do not apply to them. We would benefit greatly from being able to select what each staff member roles want to display especially as the dashboard is supposed to be considered a home screen.
Mollie commented
Some agencies are large in size an have over 100+ transactions per month, so I believe it would be helpful to be able to filter the stream further to show just sale or rentals.
Debroah Williams commented
I would like to support this request
Anonymous commented
Definitely need the ability to filter the newsfeed/dashboard
Andrew Rowland commented
This is definitely needed. Ability to filter would be better than an entire new feed. Then set a default per user depending if they are sales / rentals
Anonymous commented
Agree Rachel
David Swarbrick commented
This would be a great feature! Totally agree with Rachel.