Customised Reports
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can we have the ability to customise reports. The current one size fits all is really inadequate. Thank you.

We introduced Custom Reports in August of 2022 and have since added support for custom fields, and will be adding support for appraisals shortly. Custom Reports allow you to group rows, conduct aggregate calculations and to see related data all in one place. See our help article here:
Zoe Malinowski commented
For our office we have to produce reports to our developers for every estate which gives more clear instructions to them for what has happened in their estate. It is not a typical Vendor Report it is very customized for land developments but it is also very simple.
Things it needs to include are Lot, Size, Purchaser, Purchase Price, Listed Price, square m rate, Deposit amount, Deposit Paid, Deposit paid Date, Unconditional/Conditional (so there is a lot of data but this is expected for our developers and their partners - solicitors, banks etc)
We also have weekly reports showing daily visits to the land sales office, deposit's taken, contracts signed, appointments and feedback from the industry and customers.
It would be great if we could produce these reports from Rex then we wouldn't have to keep using excel and entering the details twice. -
Yvonne commented
I totally agree as well, if you dont want customised reports within Rex, simply let us download data tables and we can use crystal reports or any other preferred reporting tool. The current reports are not enough to get a good picture on activity within a business. If you look at the most posts for feature requests currently Reporting has 73 the highest out of any other category.
Thanks for sending through your feedback.
It would be great to be able to customise the report, similar to Brochures, but it does open up a lot of issues.
There is too much potential for users to create something that will break the design layout.
It could be something we look at in the future, but at this stage, it is not a priority.
We are interested to hear what ideas other users have on this one.
Jenny commented
Is it possible to have access to data tables to dump data into Excel for us to manipulate into report formats that suite each user/business?
Rachel commented
Yes ! Please make the ability to customize the reports. I would love to use it to list specific suburbs and add information pages to show potential buyers. would also love to create a specific cover page to suit the suburbs.
Thank you :)