Auto cleaning/removing clients who have terminated a buyer match from appearing in reverse searches
Currently when a buyer terminates from receiving property brochures in REX they will still appear as a profile match when reverse matching against a property. There is no indication in this search that the buyer has terminated from receiving these alerts either in REX or the exported CSV file.
I am suggesting either the clients who terminate their searches be removed from appearing in these searches or be indicated on the report as having terminated their match profile.
This will allow the agent to either have a clean list of active buyers or be able to contact said client and update information as to why they have terminated their match (purchased or looking elsewhere etc etc).

We have completed this in 2023. You can now set match profiles to automatically archive if there is no activity on a match profile for a certain time period.
Anonymous commented
I also agree, will be of good use to have a clean list of active buyers that are to date.