Easier searching for contacts and properties.
For example, if you were looking for Peter Mark Smith, you would not have to search the phrase exactly, if you type Mark Smith the search should return the closest matches based on what you typed... this should be similar to spelling mistakes. Searches should return the closest possble matches.

Paul Blackler commented
The system often doesn't find who you are looking for even when you put in the correct details!
Anonymous commented
An idea is to have a radio button next to the search textbox. The radio button would be a switch between 'Contacts' and 'Addresses'. If you select the radio button 'Address' then if you search for contacts or addresses, only addresses appear or contacts related to the address. Then if you select 'Contacts' then search for contacts or addresses, only contacts will appear or addresses related to the contact. That would solve some of the comments listed below
Harley Burke commented
Hi Admin
I've imported 3000 clients from my old system... Can you PLEASE just make it so you an search location aswel?
surely it can't be that hard? Our whole office has done the same and we can't search those imported clients now. Fair enough for new appraisals but i've got 10 years of clients in your system who i can't search for unless i know their name off by heart or rememeber their phone number...
I'm sure I've mentioned this previously.
Hi Samantha,
Please read the link above in detail if you are struggling to find your contact.
*Harley - please understand... you're doing it wrong. If you perform an appraisal at an address, you should definitely be attaching the contact as the owner against the property. This is the way the system is designed to work.
Samantha Hill commented
Hi Rex Support, re the comment above saying you are not entirely sure what is being requested.
Often when searching a contacts name, or property address in the search tool bar - the person or property does not come up (even though they are in the system). You have to search for the person or property exactly as they are saved in the system for it to appear in the search - which is frustrating. As per the request - it would be great if the search function had the ability to bring up all the closest matches to what was being searched.
Harley Burke commented
I did go over this I thought in previous conversations and posts.
If I do an appraisal at 10 smith street. I enter that contact, with that postal address and then set my tracks accordingly. WE DONT create a property and then attach it to a client!
The search function should search contacts postal address NOT properties attached to contacts.
Thats what I've been saying the whole time. You can search someone's email address in their contact, BUT NOT theier POSTAL ADDRESS etc. Seems logical that you would have this as standard. But you don't AND unless i know the person's phone number or email or name off by heart, I can't find that contact.
We do think this is a useful conversation to be had - the global search is one of the most utilized functions in the application and its something that we are definitely interested in improving... though you will have to understand there are constraints - in particular ease of use and speed.
"jones smith st" is quite hard to implement - the search terms are extracted manually, evaluated and then searched in individual fields throughout the system based on a best guess evaluation of what is in the search term. The more permutations we have to evaluate the harder it becomes and the longer the search potentially takes. In the example you provided, we'd have to search for a property at "Jones Smith St", "jones Smith", "Jones", "Smith St", similarly look for owners of properties that have similar names in a similar fashion and then try and re-combine the results. By the end of it - we've executed 30 rather expensive database queries instead of 3-4. The type-ahead aspect of the global search would become slow and it would largely become redundant (the whole point of it is to provide navigation to known records as quickly as possible).
In Harley's case - i think the issue may actually revolve around incomplete data. Theoretically with a properly filled data base with owners attached to their related properties, all the user would have to do to find all the owners on smith street would be to go to the properties module, search for the street name "Smith street" - from there they could perform merges, add reminders, make phone calls etc. as required without ever actually having to navigate to the contacts module. I think the issue in Harley's case may be that he doesn't have his owners attached to his Properties.
One thing that we do think might be particularly useful however and what we thought Harley was talking about originally (keeping in mind this still requires a property to be properly attached to a contact) is to surface owners of a property in the global search when a property address is typed in - for example if "1 Jones St" is entered, and "John Smith" owns jones street, "John Smith" would be shown in the contacts section of the Global search as well as "1 Jones St" in the property section.
Harley Burke commented
That's just an example.
Soooo time consuming this. Can u just make a feature that searches through all my data for the words I want to search for? It's a simple to me.
Most of all the address if that is easier for the developers.
I know every house but I can't remember everyone's name or phone number, I know them by house and I want to find there details I've input to the system.
Plan this so I can regain my faith in your program
Hi Harley,
Negative attitude aside - thank you for your feedback. It's quite different from what has actually been mentioned in the comments and the actual feature request that's been logged by Tom.
Think what you've mentioned is a pretty good idea generally even though the request hasn't really come up before.
Harley Burke commented
If I list a house in smith st, Padbury. I want to call every client I've met who lives in smith st, Padbury. Not a listing or sold or what ever. A person,
I can't search "4 smith st"
I know I know someone there, but for some reason this basic feature doesn't exist. Not sure which genius invented Rex but he sure isn't a real estate agent.
Hi Guys,
The operation of the search has been explained in full detail in the article below. Any discussion about changes should be in specific relation to the specific behaviour described in the help article.
Hi Tom,
Suggest you have a quick skim through this: http://help.rexsoftware.com/#global-search
It covers wildcard searches and the behaviour of the global search in more detail. It might also help to explain why your search for Peter Mark Smith failed to come back and how you might get it to come back.
There's pros and cons to this which is why we give you the choice in the advanced filter.
In a larger database of tens of thousands of records its potentially detrimental to have a fuzzy match run on contacts. Rather than getting ten results back you might get a few hundred that you would then need to dig through manually to find what you're looking for.
In any case, we're willing to listen on this but we'd like to see some more discussion on the issue from users with large volumes and smaller volumes of records.
Anonymous commented
This would make life better I had a problem today