Ability to differentiate between a Rental Appraisal and Sales Appraisal
It would be great to have a button the appraisal section which allows us to show whether it's a rental appraisal or a sales appraisal so that if you have two teams working off the same database, one being a rental team and the other a sales team, then you can differentiate between their appraisals.

We are happy to let you know that you can now have a rental appraisal alongside a sales appraisal as part of our new Appraisals Pipeline functionality. Check out more here: https://www.rexsoftware.com/updates/appraisals-pipeline
Tavis Callard commented
This looks like it's already been implemented....
Tavis Callard commented
Hey Guys, I added this thought back in 2014 and now I've decided to just add a custom tab so that our BDM team can have rental appraisals and our sales team use the default appraisals. It would be great to have both rental and sales appraisals allowable on the same property at the same time considering how integral Rex is becoming across our business. Looking forward to hopefully seeing this one get built soon.
Anonymous commented
Agree, we need this for both options of sales and rentals. but also multiple appraisals as we have two agents in the same office in sales appraising and both are active
Belinda Carbone commented
I agree, this would be very helpful as often properties are appraised by both departments. We had a situation where the property had been appraised by a sales agent then listed for rent by our property management department. When listed for rent this automatically archived the sales appraisal which shouldn't happen as we still want the sales appraisal to be active.
Mat Fletcher commented
This should be a feature already!
Anonymous commented
Yes this would be great as we often have owners who are making the decision if they should sell or rent and go out together to the appraisal.
Denise Hardman commented
I agree with Tavis Callard, it would be a very useful tool.
Good suggestion! -
Joanne King commented
You also need to be able to have a sales appraisal active and a rental appraisal active at the same time. At present you have to close one off before you can add another but you might not be ready to close it off.
Sam Dittmar commented
Hi, that's fine that all appraisals are being entered into the comps. But what if we have both a sales & rentals appraisal on the same property? Only one can be entered in the appraisal section....
@sophie @sam Just to clarify - for the purpose of LJH National Competitions - both the rental appraisal and sales appraisals are being forwarded (based on which fields have been filled in for the appraisals).
Sophie Kareta commented
Think this feature is great and would make an impact in our office as our sales agents and BDM work closely together and quite often double up on appraisals. Also agree with Sam Dittmar and tracking the different appraisals for LJ Hooker national competitions.
Sam Dittmar commented
This is an absolute must! LJ Hooker nation wide runs competitions that rely on the information entered into REX for customers to enter. Because we cant have 2 active appraisals on a property (one for sales, one for rentals) then half our customers cant enter the draws! Very frustrating when these are part of nation wide marketing campaigns.
Sam Dittmar commented
Hi REX, any idea when this will be implemented yet? Excellent idea and very useful
Anonymous commented
Awesome idea Travis! This would definitely be beneficial for our team too!
Sam Dittmar commented
Oh yes, we would love to see this feature! Its very frustrating not being able to have a sales appraisal and rental appraisal both active. Not user friendly or practical.
Kimberley commented
Working in an office where we have both a Sales and Rental department this would be a very helpful feature for us to use. currently we are only able to enter the Sales appraisal in the appraisal section and then we enter the rentals appraisal in as a note -would be much clearer if displayed in the same section of REX. Please vote for this people- we would love to see it implemented! :)
Tina Kennedy commented
I would really like to see a different section for rental appraisals.
When a sales appraisal has already been done and a few months later, I do a rental appraisal, there's no place for me to put the date I conducted mine. -
Anonymous commented
Yes, we need this for sure.
Marcus Sintome commented
Yes, absolutely - would love to see this implemented for the same reasons.