Pocket Kiosk e-Brochures
Pocket Kiosk App a great addition, However it would be fantastic if we had the ability to utilise personalised e-brochures instead of the Rex generated brochure. We currently create individual e-documents for all our listing and would love to be able to add a link in the property listing to enable that to be forwarded at the time of check-in. This would extremely helpful to us and our buyers as our brochures provide more than just the property information. They include agents information, buying information and area information etc.

This is already available.
You can manage the template content here: https://app.rexsoftware.com/admin/settings/open_homes – notice that you can insert merge tags (same as those available when setting up a listing mail merge template).
If you add “_micro_link” to the end of the relevant merge tag, the system will also convert the link to a micro link for you.