Price based filter for appraisals
When a buyer is searching for a property we don't always have what they are looking for. We may however have a past appraisal that would suit what they are looking for, but we have no way of filtering through our appraisals based on price, which is usually the first thing that a buyer will look at.

You’ll be pleased to hear this feature is now up and running in Rex! You can now filter appraisals by min price, max price, asking price and rental amount. Thank you once again for the great suggestion.
Anonymous commented
Hi, is there a way this search and sort procedure can be implemented into the properties and listing lists also? We find it extremely difficult to search in these records areas as the current view is not really applicable - we are more interested in fiels such as - listing agent/selling agent - display price - vendor name etc - is this able to be implemented?
Anonymous commented
Hi, in the planning will this allow you to sort all reports via a certain criteria . i.e: sold price, settlement date etc?
Sam Dittmar commented
Hi REX, any idea when this will be implemented yet? Excellent idea and very useful
Sam Dittmar commented
This would be super handy, please implement!! Its extremely frustrating having to search 200 odd appraisals one by one, just to determine if they are in the same price bracket as our client.
Anonymous commented
Hi, could this filter apply across the board for reports etc also? To enable you to sort a released contract report via sold price and more?
Good Afternoon
Thanks for this suggestion!
Unfortunately, we do not currently have an ETA for the implementation of this feature.
The development team are currently working on an array of improvements in Rex.
We will keep you posted on this one.
Have a great weekend!
Bill Kaddatz commented
Is there a time frame for when this feature is planned to be in use?