STOCKLIST - Public List to include OFI times
Can you please incorporate the public list to include the OFI times as well?
Currently, agents have to hand out 2 lists, one which contains all of listings for sale and one which has the OFI times.

We’re happy to announce this suggestion has been brought to life by our developers and is now live in the system.
First off, we’ve added space beside each listing for information on an auction, set-sale or tender venue and time, when applicable. You also have the option to include OFI times, to boot.
There’s the opportunity to include a building or business name, too.
For a full update on todays releases, check out our release article on the Rex blog:
Alana White commented
That's great news!! I'm hoping that this includes option to filter by Agent or Office rather than just all listings, so it's the one stop shop for agents printing their own individual lists to plan their open days, and by office to give to clients........fingers crossed for this one : )
Karen Fuller commented
This definitely needs to be done!!
Alana White commented
Totally agree with this request and was blown away when we realised this couldn't already be done in REX. Although we use the OFI Time Report with all listed Events to provide to clients, all of our agents also require their own home open list each week so they can plan their weekend. At the moment there is no way in REX for us or them to produce this so we have to manually create a list for them (as the full list simply has way too many for an individual agent to use). I imagine this would be the same for any agent working home opens on a weekend as you need a list of where you are going on Saturday or Sunday.
Adding the field for Events (Home Open or Auction times/dates) to the Reports available when you filter Listings would solve it easy and would be a very welcome update for everyone so fingers crossed. If you didn't want it as a standard then just a tick box saying Display Events would be great.
Although we love many features of REX, this is a constant complaint raised regularly by the agents in our office as they can't understand how the system doesn't allow such an important feature for them to run their weekends.
Lee commented
It would be so good to be able to have the open homes times appearing on the listings when you create a public list report.
At the moment we are having to create a separate document for the open homes as most of our listings are apartments and we refer to them by building names and not street addresses.
Thank you -
Peter Reitano commented
Would be handy to have Auction date & times on lists carried over to report listings so the information is on there when we give out lists.
Kate commented
I have many of our Agents request this change. I agree with Deborah. I would like to be able to do a list of open homes for each Agent. As well as stocklists to include the Home Open times.
Anonymous commented
Rex may add the inspection time next to the property attributes or agent details.
Anonymous commented
It would be good if there is a block to show inspection time for list of rent property report.
Thanks for the feedback Deborah!
Usually we would expect offices to print of all open homes on one report, as this is best for the Office.
We are interested to see what other users views are on this.
Debroah Williams commented
I would like to be able to do a list of open homes for each agent
If I use the OFI reports – it prints all open homes for all agents in the office together
If I use the Public list (under listing stock lists) it prints all listings for one agent – but doesn’t include the open home times.
Can one of these reports be changed?