Feature Requests
Welcome Rex Users!
Let us know what you really want out of the system you use in your businesses every day!
Please include as much detail as possible about what the feature is and how the feature would make your life easier – this will encourage other rex users to vote for your request rather than creating a duplicate idea. The more votes you get the quicker your idea will come to our attention :)
How it works:
- You can add as many new ideas here as you like but each new idea that you add will cost you one of your votes.
- You have ten votes to use. You can distribute these however you like with a maximum of 3 on any single item. You can remove a vote if you change your mind and put it elsewhere.
- If you have voted on an item that is then implemented, you will get those votes back to use again.
Remember – no request is too small :)
Happy voting!
44 results found
Add/Integrate REX to Facebook Leads
Lead ads are the best way to run lead generation campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. Lead ads let people show their interest in a product or service by filling out a form in the ad with their details and allowing a business to follow up with them.
we would like REX to be on the panel of CRM's that Facebook can link to so these leads come through automatically into REX.
32 votes -
Print off notes that are added to a company/property/contact
I would like to see if there is a print option where someone puts a note in and we can automatically print that note which then we can keep a hard copy in a file instead of having to remember wherethe last note/phone call was made & for what company and what property.
It would be a great option to have and will work very good.
26 votes -
Lead Dropbox - Auto Parsing / Processing (Specific Permissions Set)
We and many offices use permission settings whereby agents can only see their owned contact records and duplicates are created.
It would be great if Auto-parsing with Leads Dropbox would add a contact record only if it is owned by the agent.
Secondly, see picture attached, there should be info available in grey next to name when reviewing what contact record you need to select including:
-agent that owns record.Thirdly, in the event that you need to manually create a record, I agree with this:
There should be a way to auto-fill Name/Email/Phone or be able to see/copy…21 votes -
View & Process Multiple Leads through Stepthrough
It would be great to see the option of selecting & viewing multiple leads through the stepthrough as you can with reminders. This would quicken the admin time spent as feedback for Vendor Reports, mailing lists, match profiles etc are usually added for each enquiry.
19 votes -
Have the option to add BUYER MATCH from LEADS main page
It would be great to have an option to add a buyer match from the main leads page dropdown menu whilst processing leads. Currently, you have to go into the contact to add a match alert, which when you have 20+ leads to process takes a fair amount of additional time.
It would be even better also if when doing this the match alert pre-fills or makes suggestions of what to include in the match alert based on the listing they enquired on.19 votes -
Leads - automated processing
When a lead comes through, and after completing the detail steps. It would be handy for the general information added by the interested party to be taken straight into the feedback details. so you are not copy and pasting all the feedback information.
18 votes -
Mass Action 'ADD TRACK'
I would like to have the ability to Add Tracks as a Mass Action to groups - for example, group all of the contacts who missed out on property - mass action FOLLOW UP 'Missed out' TRACK. All older contacts with no tags or emails - MASS ACTION - Follow up "orphan" data. Being able to group up my contacts and put them on a track for action would be a huge time saver and would enable me to work the system a little more efficiently - especially when you are working from a mixed old and new database.
17 votes -
Automatically tag Leads
Auto tag all 'leads' the same way the Homepass Integration works in Rex
16 votes -
Auto Responder for Projects
Currently Auto responder for leads is set up per listing, therefor you will only have auto responses for enquiries directly on a certain listing. However we only sell land estates and have projects enabled, which means this does not help for leads that come through from our websites regarding a project, nor our REA leads that come through directly on a project.
Could this be looked into being able to enable an auto response for a project?
15 votes -
Leads and vendor reports not matching
Currently the leads come in and sit waiting to be processed. Once this has been processed against the person and listing, currently the system does not recognise this as an enquiry. You then have to enter the details again under the contacts enquiry tab. If you do not do this, the vendor report does not recognise there has been an enquiry. This is double handling and taking up precious time.
It would be more efficient for the system to see a lead as an enquiry (as this is technically what they are) That way you don't have to do the…
12 votes -
Leads step-through - a prompt for tags?
When using the leads stepthrough, there is is no prompt for the adding of tags. This means we have to go back into the contact after we're done with the stepthrough and then add tags. Having 'add a tag' as a step in the process would streamline things and help us manage our clients more effectively.
8 votes -
Forecast list for upcoming listings
On the property page it would be great if there was a simple drop down box with months and years to put the property on a listing forecast list. eg. Oct 2017. The ability to easily pull this list would be great as well. Currently I use an excel spread sheet and it is a hassle maintaining it.
6 votes -
Linking the Lead to the Listing via Stepthrough
When you do a step through from the leads section and you want to email a contact, it should link the lead to the listing automatically so you don't have to enter the address, then the subject heading, then the email body. The less an agent has to enter the easier it is to get them to use it :)
6 votes -
Ability to see Leads under a Contact's or Property's "Stream" on Pocket Rex just like you can see them on a PC.
Ability to see the Leads under a Contact's or Property's "Stream" on Pocket Rex just like you can see them on a PC amongst the notes and emails. Everything should be visible on Pocket Rex, the notes, leads, emails, all.
5 votes -
The ability to navigate to contacts related to listings via a lead OR feedback
at the moment there's no way to get to contacts who have only submitted a lead making future follow up (particularly in the context of similar listings) difficult, we need to be able to have a report that brings up everyone that has either inquired or inspected regardless of whether feedback has been entered.
5 votes -
Home open registration
In Homepass it is possible to pre-register a buyer for a home open so they then receive reminders leading up to the open, then when at the open the agent can tick them off a registration list to check them in straight away (saving a lot of time when on site). It would be great if this could be integrated into Pocket.
5 votes -
Automatically add Leads to one or more Newsletters
It would be great for auto-parsed leads to be assigned to one or more newsletters automatically. It is a small job, but one that would complete our data entry loop nicely.
Perhaps specific newsletters could be assigned dependent on the source of the lead, which is beyond our scope at present but could be utilised in the future as well.
4 votes -
Ability for agent's EBU to filter their lead agent's enquiry through Pocket
Most agents have a team of assistants/sales associates around them. We would like for these team members to be able to filter their lead agent's email enquiries through Pocket so they can respond to enquiry.
4 votes -
Leads notifications via SMS
Our agents have requested that they receive an SMS notification when they have been assigned a lead, rather than receive an email notification. They believe this would be a lot more practical than feeling like they need to be glued to their email waiting for their leads to come through.
3 votes -
Prospecting: Categorising contacts at OFI (Investor or Owner Occupier)
When you are checking in an attendee for an open inspection, you are able to categorise them via the pocket app. For example Investor or Owner Occupier, or something customisable.
3 votes
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