Feature Requests
Welcome Rex Users!
Let us know what you really want out of the system you use in your businesses every day!
Please include as much detail as possible about what the feature is and how the feature would make your life easier – this will encourage other rex users to vote for your request rather than creating a duplicate idea. The more votes you get the quicker your idea will come to our attention :)
How it works:
- You can add as many new ideas here as you like but each new idea that you add will cost you one of your votes.
- You have ten votes to use. You can distribute these however you like with a maximum of 3 on any single item. You can remove a vote if you change your mind and put it elsewhere.
- If you have voted on an item that is then implemented, you will get those votes back to use again.
Remember – no request is too small :)
Happy voting!
141 results found
Listing expiry date on KPI report
The recent update whereby Rex auto calculates the expiry date of a listing is great. The 'Listings expiring within 30 days' section of the KPI report would be so much better if that also showed the actual expiry date rather than days left until expiry. I'd also like it to keep 'expired' listings on that list until they are re-listed/updated in Rex rather than them dropping off once they go past the expiry date. If for some reason an agency is not re-listed before the expiry date, it can easily be overlooked when it no longer appears on this report.
5 votes -
Report for Settled In Period
We would like a report in the Franchise Centre that will show every listing that has been marked with settled within a time period.
5 votes -
Ability to Print Commission By Agent Report with seperate page per agent
Currently there is a fantastic report already available under Reporting / Commission / Commission By Agent however to generate individual reports, you have to go through each agent one by one. If this great report just had the ability to "Print One page Per Agent" then this one report would do the trick and be awesome!
5 votesThis is a great suggestion. We’ve added it onto our product roadmap and will keep everyone posted when it becomes available.
Automatic Vendor Reports
Set up automatic vendor reports to go out weekly/fortnightly (as desired by rep depending on market conditions) - buyer inspection notes, price feedback, home opens completed, marketing completed etc all collates into one report.
We may need to enter internet hits the morning before they go out (eg. import CSV files from realestate.com, reiwa, domain.
Enable agent comments - so we can enter a comment the morning before they go out on what has happened in the market since the last report, agency news etc (goes onto all vendor reports not individual)
We have just changed over to rex and…
5 votesGreat suggestion Naomi. We’d definitely like to explore the feasibility of implementing something like this, but there’s a fair few things to consider.
We’ll keep you posted if the feature progresses.
Create a report which has all property information on one download.
1. Current Listings
2. Listing Price
3. Date Listed
4. Date Expires
5. Sold Properties
6. How much sold for and date
7. Who is the agent for each
8. Withdrawn listingsAlso would like a single report for properties under contract:
1. Address
2. Agent
3. Contract Date
4. Sold Price
5. Commission Rate
6. Building & Pest Date
7. Finance Date
8. Unconditional Date
9. Settlement Date4 votes -
Commission by agent - unconditional properties in a period excluding properties released in that same period
Could we please get a report showing commissions by agent with a list of properties that are currently unconditional & not yet settled/released. The Commissions by agent report for unconditional properties within a date range currently shows both unconditional and released if they are settled in the date range selected. The commission cash flow report doesn't filter by agent.
If a new report can't be created, maybe a filter option added to exclude released properties.
4 votes -
Ability to show more than one OFI time on stock list
For example if a property is open more than once on the same day or a mid week and a Saturday - currently only the first occurring time for that week is showing.
4 votes -
Feeding internet hits so its visible on weekly vendor feedback reports. I see the same suggestion was created in 2014, any update on this?
Feeding internet hits so its visible on weekly vendor feedback reports.
4 votes -
Print report of all notes, feedback etc. in listing stream
Need a way to print all the notes, feedback, tasks etc. that appear in the 'Stream' tab on a listing. As a dated PDF report, rather than a csv export. Useful when a full file report needs to be produced for a particular listing.
4 votes -
VENDOR REPORT - Mass emails and SMS to be recorded
I would like to see mass emails & SMS's recorded against the property, so that they show up in the vendor reports. Mass SMS's is a great feature, however, if it is only recorded against the contact and not the listing, the work done by the agent is not being recorded for the vendor to acknowledge.
4 votes -
Remove building name from Rental Reports
Can you please remove the building name for Rentals. When you do a listing report for Rentals it is pulling up the building name, which is taking up a lot of space and is not worth having there
3 votes -
Office KPI's
Currently I can not get monthly or yearly reports on agents performance ie Appraisals to listing ratio, listing to sale ratio, under offer to to unconditional ratio , price variations, settled sales and withdrawn listings. I would also like to look at these results from an office report. At present I have to use a separate data base to achieve this. Double entry and very time consuming
3 votes -
STOCKLIST - Better sorting capabilities
I note that others have suggested that stocklists need to be sorted in a way that makes it easier for customers to find what they are looking for.
Most agencies have rental stocklists for people to collect and take with them.
Our stocklists are still created manually because of the inability to sort easily. They are sorted in the following way
Available Now
Post Code (locally known areas - Northside or Southside or Gracemere)
Then by price in category of
Units ETC
Other - Farms or acreageComing Soon
Same sorting but for properties that will be available…3 votes -
Commission Structure Field
For the commission structure field to show on the report that prints out
3 votes -
Search Notes
It would be helpful to be able to search through notes.
We have a fair bit of information on our notes and the ability to search through these would help us greatly.
Some of our older contacts have notes with old property information, being able to do a keyword search through these notes would help us to find these records..3 votes -
Automate Vendor Reports
The ability to automate vendor reporting either weekly, bi-weekly or monthly would really help to show our clients we care. We can save time and money if the reporting feature was automated. I can see it working similarly to Property Alerts for buyer's/tenants. By setting up an email template and attaching the automatically generated report this will allow us to provide a service many agents can't or don't provide. It also means at inspections we can add feedback to a vendor/client and know that they will receive it upcoming.
3 votes -
VENDOR REPORT - Automatically generate via a task on a weekly basis
Vendor reports automatically generated weekly on a task list rather than having to go into each listing individually
3 votes -
Key register report
Key register report to be printable in alphabetical order of address, as well as, key order. A1, A2 etc
3 votes -
VPA - Paid & Unpaid Invoice Report
I think it would be beneficial to be able to print a report that indicates unpaid & paid VPA only.
3 votes -
To be able to enter a created date for listings & contracts so they fall within the monthly reports.
When you print EOM reports if a listing or contract is entered in new month but dated previous month eg: listed 28/8/15 entered 1/9/15
then it will not show in the required months report.3 votes
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