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143 results found

  1. Making the Pocket Agenda customizable

    When we print off the pocket agenda it shows the contact name and number only - there should be a way we can show the relative property, the current track assigned to that contact, etc. There should be an area we can select what to show and what not to show.

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  2. Commission Structure Field

    For the commission structure field to show on the report that prints out

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  3. Printing Different Reports

    It would be good to be able to print different reports for the different portals we advertise in.

    I work for a real estate company, I put up advertisements on 5 different portals via REX, will be 6 shortly however I can only print one report for all listings.

    We are going to start advertising in China on the Juwai portal.

    When we want to send a listing to the Chinese investors, we only want a report on the Juwai and TPSS portals, pricing is different and clientele is different.

    The other report needs to go to the local public…

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  4. Vendor Report - Improvements

    Include additional information into the report for a full overview of the campain for the Vendor:
    1. Leads should be noted as enquiries on the property
    2. Open house dates conducted so far
    3. Ability to add in VPA to show marketing campaign so far

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  5. Ability to create a report of ALL listings in a period

    We need to be able to create a report for ALL listings in a period (eg. financial year). Currently if a property is Listed AND Sold in the same period (which is pretty much all of them) it doesn't appear so all you are left with is a list of current listings.

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  6. STOCKLIST - Better sorting capabilities

    I note that others have suggested that stocklists need to be sorted in a way that makes it easier for customers to find what they are looking for.


    Most agencies have rental stocklists for people to collect and take with them.

    Our stocklists are still created manually because of the inability to sort easily. They are sorted in the following way

    Available Now
    Post Code (locally known areas - Northside or Southside or Gracemere)
    Then by price in category of
    Units ETC
    Other - Farms or acreage

    Coming Soon
    Same sorting but for properties that will be available…

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  7. VENDOR REPORT - Automatically generate via a task on a weekly basis

    Vendor reports automatically generated weekly on a task list rather than having to go into each listing individually

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  8. To be able to enter a created date for listings & contracts so they fall within the monthly reports.

    When you print EOM reports if a listing or contract is entered in new month but dated previous month eg: listed 28/8/15 entered 1/9/15
    then it will not show in the required months report.

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  9. Activity Reports

    Could the vendors email address and price be put on these as it would save time looking them up and price is a moving target so it confirms where price is at.

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  10. Capability to export the list of products created against the Advertising Pack and/or Advertising Providers

    Suggesting an option to be able to export a list of products that have been created against each Adversitising Provider and Advertising Packs. This would help us easily review the products that have been set-up in the system when we do our annual review of the associated marketing-related items and the associated costs so adjustments can be made where applicable.

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  11. Reports: Add Buyer Field to Reports

    Add the ''Buyers'' Full Name to fields for the [Contract Statuses]- [Unconditional in Period] Report.

    Please Vote! Thanks :)

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  12. Report for VPA budgets

    We need a report for VPA budgets. We are currently doing quarterly reporting and part of this is to show the average VPA amount being requested to vendors by sales agents. Sometimes the invoice amount is less than the budget amount if the rep has request extra funds 'just in case' so the invoice reporting won't be accurate.

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  13. Have lead enquiry and OFI attendance flow into Vendor Reports stats without being approved for reporting

    The vendor report currently only adds leads that have been processed and provide feedback on the front page of the vendor report.
    All leads and OFI attendance should be counted as an enquiry and should be reported at the high level. Its useful data to discuss with vendors particularly if enquiry isn't translating to offers or price feedback

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  14. Current Listings (DOM) Report - Add Price

    We are having to print 2 lists when reviewing reps stock. The report for Current Listings (DOM) is good except missing the current list price - if this was added we could solely go off this list, and not have to crosscheck between another stocklist.

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  15. Generate a report of a contacts entire stream

    Often in Property Management I want to generate a report of every stream entry to give to a landlord who has been away for a time or wants a reference point of Management tasks completed... It would be very helpful for any type of contact (Contractors, Solicitors, Landlords, Tenants...)

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  16. Buyers Attached to Mailing Lists Reporting

    Would love Rex to be able generate a report on how many buyers have been attached to mailing lists with a date range Including which user attached the mailing list to the contact. This will then show how buyer increase in what amount of time to our database and also tracking agent accountability for buyers.

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  17. Remove building name from Rental Reports

    Can you please remove the building name for Rentals. When you do a listing report for Rentals it is pulling up the building name, which is taking up a lot of space and is not worth having there

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  18. Tag List Export Report

    it would be great if you could export a report with all of your tags and how many contacts/properties they are assigned to. That way you could sort your most popular tags and any that aren't being utlised you could delete - it would save so much time than doing each tag individually :(

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  19. Saving vendor reports in progress

    I would like to see a 'save' option on the Vendor reports while in progress or being generated. Several times while completing my Vendor reports, I have lost them because my system has logged out, or I've had to go home or to an appointment, I have to take the laptop with me. But I cant save the work I have done? Yes, I can generate a PDF, but what if I have not finished or want to edit it later before sending to my clients? I find it strange that this function does not have the option to save.…

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  20. VPA - Paid & Unpaid Invoice Report

    I think it would be beneficial to be able to print a report that indicates unpaid & paid VPA only.

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