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141 results found

  1. Tags to be added to System Lists

    I thought it would be great to see Tags be added to reporting or system lists. For example if I wanted to run a list on previous buyers so I can quickly go down the list by clicking on the highlighted contact name rather than exporting a CSV which what is available now.

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  2. Automate Vendor Reports

    The ability to automate vendor reporting either weekly, bi-weekly or monthly would really help to show our clients we care. We can save time and money if the reporting feature was automated. I can see it working similarly to Property Alerts for buyer's/tenants. By setting up an email template and attaching the automatically generated report this will allow us to provide a service many agents can't or don't provide. It also means at inspections we can add feedback to a vendor/client and know that they will receive it upcoming.

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  3. Edit "Cheesy" Vendor Reports Intro

    Hi team, would like the ability to edit the intro content for each section of the Vendor Report to remove current "Cheesy" and unprofessional

    "...want to show you how hard we are working..."

    and allow us to use words that are more professional and more suitable to our client demographic.

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  4. Search Notes

    It would be helpful to be able to search through notes.
    We have a fair bit of information on our notes and the ability to search through these would help us greatly.
    Some of our older contacts have notes with old property information, being able to do a keyword search through these notes would help us to find these records..

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  5. A System User Report.

    I'd like to suggest a way of printing off a progress report for Staff members.

    For my particular role i need to keep track of my work load as i need to provide to the Principal what i have been doing with my time. so tracking the calls, emails and actions made either per day, week or month.

    I think a feature like this would be useful for the following people:

    *Principals to follow up with staff members productivity
    *Agents who are needing to keep up with prospecting calls
    *any one who is commission driven and wanting to hit specific…

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  6. commission by agent report

    commission by agent report to show agent deductions

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  7. AGENT LEDGER's must be printable

    Agent Ledgers MUST be printable, otherwise it is difficult to have agents check and approve their payments.

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  8. OFI list amendments

    For the OFI list to pull through the sale's reps photos and have an option to pull through less listings per page enabling description text to pull for each listing.

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    Create a report which has all property information on one download.

    1. Current Listings
    2. Listing Price
    3. Date Listed
    4. Date Expires
    5. Sold Properties
    6. How much sold for and date
    7. Who is the agent for each
    8. Withdrawn listings

    Also would like a single report for properties under contract:
    1. Address
    2. Agent
    3. Contract Date
    4. Sold Price
    5. Commission Rate
    6. Building & Pest Date
    7. Finance Date
    8. Unconditional Date
    9. Settlement Date

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  10. Rental & Sale Booklet/ Report Templates

    There has now been an update to show open for inspection times on both reports - but it will only list the next open time.
    So if we are opening that property twice a week it will only show the first one for the week and not the second and will only show the second once the first has been completed.
    We would like it to be modified so that it will list every open time for that property in that week to make it easier for the clients coming in to collect the rental list and sales list and…

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  11. KPI reporting

    We would like to be able to customise a KPI report that can show the following information
    1. # of appraisals within a period
    2. # of new and current listings within a period
    3. # of sales within a period
    4. $ value of VPA within a period
    5. Database entries - ie Activity completed & feedback added
    6. Gross commission income earnt within a period

    We want to be able to measure these KPI's by individual agents. At the moment we would have to get this information from 4 or 5 different reports.

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  12. Stocklists

    Under stocklists when we print the lists only one open home comes up we would like both our upcoming open homes (saturday / sunday) to appear as we use these flyers to give to buyers so all our weekend open homes are showing with viewing times

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  13. Function to track whether the property was sold by auction or private treaty

    Function to track whether the property was sold by auction or private treaty

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  14. Days on market, doesn’t work when relisted

    Days on market, doesn’t work when relisted as you have to overwrite the dates or it shows it has been listed for more then 90 days.

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  15. New Report - Contracts with status marked as Offer/'Not Accepted

    Could we please have a new report made available that allows a user to search for Contracts where the status is Offer/Not Accepted?

    This would allow a user to easily identify any contracts that have been entered but not yet marked as accepted. Without this capability at present the only report that provides this information is the 'Contracts – New in Period ' report however this also includes all other contracts (regardless of their status) so can be particularly unwieldy with large sales volumes.

    Without being able to easily identify offer/not accepted contracts in the system, these can easily be…

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  16. VPA - Paid & Unpaid Invoice Report

    I think it would be beneficial to be able to print a report that indicates unpaid & paid VPA only.

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    We suggest the following reports be created instead of having to export to a CSV file and remove columns you don't need and there is a lot of messing around to print off a simple list.

    • Feedback list for a property which includes the Name, Phone, Email and Address, Notes/Comments and whether they are HOT, WARM or COLD.

    • A report for Past Vendors and Purchasers which includes: The Vendor or Purchasers details, the property they purchased, the date they purchased and their contact details. (Separate reports)

    • The ability to print out a customised list. i.e. a mailing list with contact…

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  18. Ability to Print Commission By Agent Report with seperate page per agent

    Currently there is a fantastic report already available under Reporting / Commission / Commission By Agent however to generate individual reports, you have to go through each agent one by one. If this great report just had the ability to "Print One page Per Agent" then this one report would do the trick and be awesome!

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  19. the public and internal report of listings can be ordered by agent name or building name. We believe these two order is quite useful.

    We suggest that the public and internal report of listings can be ordered by agent name and building name. We believe these two order is very useful and much easier for clients and agents to read the report.

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  20. Open homes

    I have noticed a new feature that the open times appear on the sales/rentals list. However, if there are 2 open times scheduled for that week only the first one appears. Also on properties that don't have an open time come up with 'open time: contact agent' which I don't think looks very good. I think all open times should appear and the properties without an open time should just have nothing there at all.

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