Edit "Cheesy" Vendor Reports Intro
Hi team, would like the ability to edit the intro content for each section of the Vendor Report to remove current "Cheesy" and unprofessional
"...want to show you how hard we are working..."
and allow us to use words that are more professional and more suitable to our client demographic.

Mike Brady commented
Agree with that and would add that needs to have a default on basic salution
Rob commented
I totally agree with this suggestion. We rely heavily upon these reports, but unless we can edit out some of the boxes that show zero activity, it's a little difficult to show them "how hard we've been working" on their property for them.
Some of the data that is tracked and appears on the report is good stuff, so this suggestions should be given higher priority and support than it's currently receiving. Come on REXperts and system designers. Get behind this one and help us look more professional!