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141 results found

  1. Ability to maximise preview screen in reporting

    The preview box should be able to maximise so you dont have to dick around with scroll bars on side and bottom

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  2. Export Events .CVS


    It would be great to be able to export the listing events as CVS files. At the moment we can only get HTML and PDF files, which aren't ideal to quickly formate the data after export.

    We're specifically using this for open home times.


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  3. Reports: Add Buyer Field to Reports

    Add the ''Buyers'' Full Name to fields for the [Contract Statuses]- [Unconditional in Period] Report.

    Please Vote! Thanks :)

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  4. Commission Cash Flow to include Advertising invoice

    Is it possible to have the Advertising invoiced added to the commission cash flow report - it has a Commission Invoiced column but not advertising. That would save a lot of time having to add it manually

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  5. Print report of all notes, feedback etc. in listing stream

    Need a way to print all the notes, feedback, tasks etc. that appear in the 'Stream' tab on a listing. As a dated PDF report, rather than a csv export. Useful when a full file report needs to be produced for a particular listing.

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  6. Buyer match Bulk amendments to notifications

    Reporting on Buyer match notifications, being able to adjust the SMS or email notifications by selecting a bulk about and removing the specific notification or adding one

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  7. 4 votes

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  8. Reports for Holiday Rental Bookings

    We manage holiday rentals and there is a calendar where we can enter the holiday booking dates (with no guest details - option to include guest information would be great) but there is no reporting option to see booking dates & information on who has booked. This would be a great feature for us as we are getting rid of our trust accounting software & are looking for an alternative to achieve similar results.

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  9. Saving vendor reports in progress

    I would like to see a 'save' option on the Vendor reports while in progress or being generated. Several times while completing my Vendor reports, I have lost them because my system has logged out, or I've had to go home or to an appointment, I have to take the laptop with me. But I cant save the work I have done? Yes, I can generate a PDF, but what if I have not finished or want to edit it later before sending to my clients? I find it strange that this function does not have the option to save.…

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  10. merge REA and Domain reports into vendor reports in rex

    export REA and domain vendor reports into REX vendor report as a PDF

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  11. More Photos on a Listing Stock List Full Advert + Ability to Filter by Listing Type

    A new Listing Stock List
    As per the old 'Full Advert' but with one big photo & 3 small photos underneath.
    Plus the ability to add filter 'By Listing Type' e.g. Commercial & Residential

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  12. enable contracts and online enquiries to be seen on vendor reports

    have more details or allow editing on vendor reports i.e. contracts/ offers and only enquiries - not just feedback

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  13. Ability to Edit Vendor Reports

    I don't understand how a system that allows for so much customisation doesn't allow for a vendor report to be customised?
    I would love the option to edit the general layout and aesthetics of the report to suit my personal preference.

    The use of spacing and positioning causes a lot of wasted area and paper when printing off.

    The ability to edit would make the vendor reports individual for all offices.

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  14. Please itemise deductions on commissions by agent report

    Currently the Commissions By Agent report under reporting lumps deductions together without description, rather than itemising them as they are entered into the commission worksheet. Please have these itemised on the report so that agents can see exactly what has been deducted from their commission on a particular sale, and for what amounts. Unfortunately printing the summary within the commission tab shows all agents on the sale and doesn't have the capacity to select just one specific agent. Thank you

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  15. projects reporting on new EOI, track current sales and unconditional contracts

    All sales should be tracked from EOI to unconditional and there status and progression needs to be added to the report.

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  16. OFI Times to list ALL agents (Not just one agent)

    We sometimes have two agent property listings. However, the OFI Times Report only displays one agent.

    Please allow us to have ALL agents listed on an OFI time. Thank you.

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  17. Send Vendor reports directly from pocket

    When will we be able to send our vendors a home open report easily from Pocket while on the run?... In this world of everyone wanting instant feedback it’s just crazy that we don’t have this basic functionality

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  18. A REX POCKET report that details all attendees for a weekend rather than a report for each property

    With regard to REX Pocket I know that the attendees of each open home can be viewed by downloading a report for each property but for a high turnover agent who hosts up to 10 open homes each week this can be a very time consuming process.

    We don't use the reports to send to vendors, rather as a contact sheet to enable the agent to follow up. What we are looking for is a single report for a weekend or OFI period that can be downloaded in a single report as a call list without the need to double…

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  19. Enquiry source in Project Vendor reports

    There should be one Chart for Enquiry Source and another for say follow ups, private inspections. etc. Enquiry Source is great for showing where enquiry is coming from and also to relate it back to Ad spend.

    There should be only one enquiry source note per enquiry. Ie a buyer enquires on Unit A, then gets followed up, maybe a few back and forward emails (ie more feedback notes) then an appointment etc., that should be counted as one enquiry from say REA. In the current setup you could mark all the follow ups, appointments etc as the enquiry coming…

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  20. Tag List Export Report

    it would be great if you could export a report with all of your tags and how many contacts/properties they are assigned to. That way you could sort your most popular tags and any that aren't being utlised you could delete - it would save so much time than doing each tag individually :(

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