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122 results found

  1. Filter contracts by address

    Need to be able to filter contacts by address, even if its any word in the address field of the contact details. Understand you can filter by associated property, but with a database merged from another CRM, this is not possible. The basic functionality to target contacts in your patch or a street has been lost.

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  2. Area Marketing Mapping

    have an intergrated area map that shows which houses/contacts are registered on data base and which are yet to be contacted. Also to indicate status of house (eg. Renting, owner occupied ect)
    Colour coding would be incorporated for hot/warm/cold leads.
    Map will be suburb specific and be able to zoom in and out.

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  3. enable Bulk Buyer Management, by Property/Listing, by Rating

    Enable Agents to bulk-manage buyers for a specific property.

    Enable agents to record buyer Interest (eg Cold / Warm / Hot), at a Property level (not at a contact level).

    Enable agents to show all contacts for a Property/Listing, including their rating for that property, plus Notes and Feedback for that property. This would be useful for tailored callbacks, etc.

    Enable agents to sort resulting contacts (at a Property/Listing), by rating. And ability to select some/all for bulk communication, by email or SMS. (eg agents may want to remind Hot buyers of auction details, etc)

    Enable agents to create reports/extracts…

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  4. Add a contact's postal address when adding new contact

    To save having to go back into the contact to add a postal address before raising an invoice for VPA when adding new listings

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  5. Option to assign a contact to multiple agents

    The ability to put a contact into REX and have two or more agents related to this contact. So that the contact comes up in both of their 'My Contact' list as opposed to just one agent 'Owning' the contact.

    This is causing major dramas in our office.

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  6. Separate fields for 'address' on a contact

    It would be awesome if the address field could be divided into separate fields.

    Similar to how the property address details are divided up: Unit number, street number, street address, suburb, postcode & state.

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  7. Ability to add custom unsubscribe reasons

    It would be good to be able to customise the list of unsubscribe reasons so that we can add in reasons that are more specific to our company, currently the list is quite limited.

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  8. Contact Duplication Check When adding people at OFI's

    When at an OFI and adding all the buyers as they arrive it needs to check if that mobile number is already in the database.

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  9. Apply Multiple "Primary" email addresses (and SMSs) to a contact

    Currently, we add clients up to 3 times where they have multiple email addresses that receive our email alerts. It would be great to have the ability to enter several emails/mobile numbers under the one contact and know that all emails/mobiles will receive alerts.

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  10. Purchaser and Tenant Separate on Related Contact

    It would be good to be able to choose "tenant" or "purchaser" on the REX pocket app. Currently the only 2 options on the app are "Listing Owner" and "purchaser/tenant". If the property is tenanted and we get a contract on it, the app does not identify who is the tenant and who is the purchaser.

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  11. Download first & last name separately in CSV Lists

    Currently first & last name will download into one column. It would be helpful to have these separately.

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  12. More Options for contacts & related properties

    More Options for contacts & related properties, at the moment only owner, past owner, tenant, past tenant available
    Add Prospective buyer, Prospective tenant, Building manager etc

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  13. Split records function for separations and divorces

    As so much of the Real Estate sale business is based (unfortunately) on separations and divorces, it would be good to have a button/function where you can duplicate a record after settlement has occurred which will split out the records so that the former Mr & Mrs will now be two separate records meaning no awkward correspondence to the previously happy couple. :-)

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  14. Pocket Inbound Calls

    If a customer is already in REX/Pocket, we want the ability to be able to raise feedback/add notes for an INBOUND call, just like you can when you initiate an outbound call.

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  15. Search for clients via their Location rather than Related Properties

    When you have not connected a property to a client via Related Properties, but they have a street address in their Location, We need to search for those clients based on their street or suburb. We need searchable fields like House Number, Street Name, Suburb, that you can search individually.

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  16. Click on Email Address and Mobile Numbers to send Merges to

    It has been suggested before to be able to click on the email address you wish to send an email to, I think this is important, but as well with mobile Numbers. My office keeps couples in a single contact record, so we regularly have 2 emails and 2 mobile numbers on the same record. I think we should be able to mark for example, Daniel and Maddison, whose email is whose and whose mobile number is whose. and be able to decide to sms Daniel separately, or Maddison separately in the contact module.

    I understand setting a primary for…

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  17. The "my contacts" list to have the address attached to the name so this can be printed.

    When making calls we print out the contact list, however, we want to have the property address next to the persons name so we know which property we are talking about when speaking to them.

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  18. Note Type

    If we could please be able to Add More Note Types and reminder Note Types

    eg. Currently there is an option for Phone Call.

    I'd like to see. BD Call & AM Call. This way we can report on the ratio between business development to account management.

    Second reason would be to organise your day through the reminders on the dashboard. Concentrate on BD calls through a certain time slot and then AM calls during another time

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  19. Duplicate contacts

    If multiple agents have the same contact put a timer in that if the contact has received an email, sms or letter in the last 24 hours then they dont receive it again. Nothing worse than 1 owner getting the same marketing email or sms from multiple agents

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  20. Two suggestions: 1) i think you should have the ability to look up a contacts address, not just the postcode

    2) With the app, It would be great to be able to send an SMS to ALL registered contacts from that days OFI, i see you can do this individually, but as a group would be ideal

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