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119 results found

  1. Contacts

    When adding a contacts have a mandatory drop down to be able to select what type of contact they are, applicant, vendor, landlord etc.

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  2. Custom Interest Level

    Currently there is 'cold, warm, hot' as interest levels associated with contacts. It would be good to add in one more option 'uncontactable'. We don't know if they are cold or hot yet as we haven't been able to get hold of them. By marking them uncontactable we can then report on how many leads come through and what % were uncontactable.

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  3. Email dropbox to update last contacted date

    Email dropbox to update last contacted date

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  4. Add a Dial Icon to the phone number to allow direct dialing to phone app (voip)

    Many programs have a phone icon that when you click it, will dial the number in the adjacent field, saving time and errors.

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  5. show full email address when you look at contact details on phone app

    unfortunately when you look at the contact of the Rex app on my mobile, the full email address does not display

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  6. Tagging contacting when quick adding them to a listing in the stream

    When adding a contact in the stream of a property I often do the quick add where I can copy and paste the name, email and phone number for to add them in the database and against the listing. The only thing missing from the quick add is the ability to tag them at the same time. Having a tag option would mean we don't have to remember to go into the contact later in order to tag them as a buyer, or vendor etc... It important to us to tag our database so they are correct included in mail…

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  7. Mobile Number Contact Name

    We are unable to associate a name to a mobile number on a contact card. This is something we should look at, VaultRE has a note section next to each mobile number that allows you to put in a name or small note 'only call after hrs' for the number. Definitely something we need here!

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  8. alpha tag

    Create Alpha Tag when sending SMS. When sending an SMS especially to bulk groups it would look more professional to have an ALPHA TAG so the recipient sees the Companies Name apposed to a random-looking number that people may think is a scam.

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  9. Enable phone number link for Rex desktop

    User is able to click the phone number attached to a contact via Rex desktop and use Facetime or another program to call the contact. Similar to how Pocket is able to dial a number

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  10. Tenant attached to sale listing

    Tenants to be attached to sales property, easy access for tenant details when sending entry notices and contacting for viewings.

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  11. My problem is sometimes we get involved in lengthy back and forward correspondence via text on our phones with buyers. In the past I have s

    My problem is sometimes we get involved in lengthy back and forward correspondence via text on our phones with buyers. In the past I have shared the text via email back to my computer where i cut and paste in to Stream on Rex. This is a timely process, and I was looking for a quicker way .

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  12. Send emails to multiple email addresses on the same contact i.e. Multiple 'Primary Email Addresses'

    I would like to be able to send merge emails to multiple email addresses on the same contact i.e. sending a contract to a husband and wife where they both want a copy in to their email (rather than having to create them twice). So maybe like being able to assign multiple 'primary email addresses' for a contact.

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  13. Remove Duplicate Contact Records as a Result of Enquires with Multiple Agents

    When a lead/enquiry comes through for a listing that has two agents, we can see that it goes to both agents. However the person who has enquired, their contact record gets created twice, one for each agent. Instead of going in each time this happens to duplicate the record it would be good if REX could somehow recognise this and only create the one record for that contact.

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  14. Ability to add custom note types

    Ability to add custom note types to all note taking across all modules.
    This will enhance reporting abilities. Provide insight into what has been happening in the organisation to exe team.

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  15. Absentee Owner or Owner Occupier search function

    I tried to mail merge to absentee owners in my farm area. However the only function enabled is refined search > Postal Address > Yes/No.

    It would be great to find Current Owners in my farm area, who have a postal address set in another suburb i.e. an absentee owner.

    Please can we creat a refine search:

    Postal Address > Is / Is Not > [SUBURB NAME]

    or even better yet, a feature to determine absentee or owner occupier contacts

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  16. Buyer Match Report

    Can we please have a "Buyer Match Report" created showing the contacts that were emailed buyer match alerts overnight and which property the alert was for.

    At the moment, there is no way to know if an alert has been sent to one of your contacts without having to go into the particular person or property card which is super time consuming.

    Previously (when we were using Renet CRM) we were sent a report each day advising what alerts were sent to which contact so the agent was able to follow up these matches. Rex does not have this function.…

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  17. Pipeline CRM on Rex?

    We currently keep out pipeline on excel. Do you have a crm for pipeline properties/contacts? W

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  18. Label / Mail Merge Export, contact names exported in seperate fields

    Would be great to allow the Label export feature to have first and last names in separate fields.

    I know it's possible to do this with full data export rights but we prefer to keep this privilege to a few and want to avoid bottleneck situations specially during seasons like Christmas where exports are required from all Sales team databases.

    Appreciate it if this could be included.

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  19. unsubscribe

    People who unsubscribe from emails don't necessarily want to be unsubscribed from all communication. Please can we have the ability to unsubscribe from different levels of communication?

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  20. Generate Report or List for deleted tags eg "Trust Account - Agent Name"

    Could you please let me know if it is possible to generate a report or find a list of all deleted tags?

    I am wanting to find out the deleted tags for "Trust Account - (Agent's Name)"

    I know how to check the change log for a particular contact but here I am trying to generate a list or report.

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