enable Bulk Buyer Management, by Property/Listing, by Rating
Enable Agents to bulk-manage buyers for a specific property.
Enable agents to record buyer Interest (eg Cold / Warm / Hot), at a Property level (not at a contact level).
Enable agents to show all contacts for a Property/Listing, including their rating for that property, plus Notes and Feedback for that property. This would be useful for tailored callbacks, etc.
Enable agents to sort resulting contacts (at a Property/Listing), by rating. And ability to select some/all for bulk communication, by email or SMS. (eg agents may want to remind Hot buyers of auction details, etc)
Enable agents to create reports/extracts on potentially interested buyers, by rating, at an aggregate level, with the ability to select/deselect to include Notes and/or Feedback.
Buyer Management for a specific property seems like a big gap in Rex at present.