Option to assign a contact to multiple agents
The ability to put a contact into REX and have two or more agents related to this contact. So that the contact comes up in both of their 'My Contact' list as opposed to just one agent 'Owning' the contact.
This is causing major dramas in our office.

Eliza Mearns commented
I agree, we currently have multiple contacts for each individual, so each rep has their 'own' where this occurs. ..Frustrating.
Anonymous commented
"my desktop" CRM allows up to 4 agents link to the property. First point of Contact, Second point of contact, third point of contact etc. Automatic emails pushed from office is assigned to first point of contact for monthly newsletters etc. However 2nd and third point of contacts can edit data, etc and work with client as well whereas at the moment, i can't add any extra details collected for the client because i don't have access! and i can't search buyers or contacts that i am working with as a secondary agent because they may have come through my open home etc because i am not an assigned agent, i can't keep track of all my contacts via rex unless they are primary.
We may look at doing this however on our end it would be quite a drastic change as it would have far reaching implications around security.
In the mean time if it is causing you major dramas you might want to consider the following work around:
Use tags with the agent names. You could then create a saved filter and have them use that to quickly access their contact lists.
For existing contacts you could use the bulk tag action to add agent tags after searching for specific record owners.
If you need help with either bulk tagging or saved filters take a look in the help center or get in touch with the support team.
Tania commented
I agree REX needs to work on this. A short term solution we use is to add agent initials at the end of contact surname. Searching contacts is easer to select the assigned contact. Hope this helps in the meantime.