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122 results found

  1. Ability to add tags and mailing lists when adding new person from property page

    When you are in a property file and would like to add a new contact from that page the ability to add tags and mailing lists from that box would be great saves time going out and back into the persons name.

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  2. Buyer Match Report

    Can we please have a "Buyer Match Report" created showing the contacts that were emailed buyer match alerts overnight and which property the alert was for.

    At the moment, there is no way to know if an alert has been sent to one of your contacts without having to go into the particular person or property card which is super time consuming.

    Previously (when we were using Renet CRM) we were sent a report each day advising what alerts were sent to which contact so the agent was able to follow up these matches. Rex does not have this function.…

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  3. Purchaser and Tenant Separate on Related Contact

    It would be good to be able to choose "tenant" or "purchaser" on the REX pocket app. Currently the only 2 options on the app are "Listing Owner" and "purchaser/tenant". If the property is tenanted and we get a contract on it, the app does not identify who is the tenant and who is the purchaser.

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  4. Download first & last name separately in CSV Lists

    Currently first & last name will download into one column. It would be helpful to have these separately.

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  5. Have a general owner of some contacts that all agents can access eg office contacts

    Have a general owner of some contacts that all agents can access eg [office contacts]
    This way we wouldn't have to add each and every person in the office to the contact so they can access it. (time consuming).
    This would make lawyers etc available and not clogging up an admins contacts list.
    Also this would be useful when an agent has a contact on a listing we could add [Office Contact] to the permissions temporarily while listing is live - as at the moment we have to add all the agents one by one to the permissions, and then…

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  6. Update Contact Information Automatically

    Another CRM that we used to use allowed every contact in the database to be contacted twice a year to update their details. Can you please do this?

    An email goes out with a form for the contact to update and then it automatically updates in REX


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  7. Add a contact's postal address when adding new contact

    To save having to go back into the contact to add a postal address before raising an invoice for VPA when adding new listings

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  8. Enable phone number link for Rex desktop

    User is able to click the phone number attached to a contact via Rex desktop and use Facetime or another program to call the contact. Similar to how Pocket is able to dial a number

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  9. Ability to add custom note types

    Ability to add custom note types to all note taking across all modules.
    This will enhance reporting abilities. Provide insight into what has been happening in the organisation to exe team.

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  10. Tagging contacting when quick adding them to a listing in the stream

    When adding a contact in the stream of a property I often do the quick add where I can copy and paste the name, email and phone number for to add them in the database and against the listing. The only thing missing from the quick add is the ability to tag them at the same time. Having a tag option would mean we don't have to remember to go into the contact later in order to tag them as a buyer, or vendor etc... It important to us to tag our database so they are correct included in mail…

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  11. De-duplication of single agent contacts

    Is there any chance you could add an 'Owner' criteria for searching duplicates?
    Our agents like to list duplicate contacts so they can own them but I have found that there are duplicates within there own contact list.

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  12. Shortcut to add tags on the dashboard while looking at reminders

    Currently while you are on the dashboard within reminders you can through quick view add the following to a contact


    But you are unable to add tags through quickview. At the moment i have to go into the contact itself. Can we please have this feature added

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  13. adding an address box when entering clients

    When adding a client into the system, It would be handy to have the address field as well. I was entering in a solicitor but only had the option to fill in name, contact number and email address. I then had to search for the client/solicitor enter the address then go back to the screen I was on and finish doing what i was doing.. this would save time and not having to go back and forth. This idea would be great for when adding every client. See attached.

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  15. 3 votes

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  16. The "my contacts" list to have the address attached to the name so this can be printed.

    When making calls we print out the contact list, however, we want to have the property address next to the persons name so we know which property we are talking about when speaking to them.

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  17. Being able to search for an address in contacts rather than typing it in

    Should be able to start typing in the address field and it automatically starts searching for the address using maps, rather than typing the full address in manually. This would stop someone to accidentally type the wrong address.

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  18. Search for clients via their Location rather than Related Properties

    When you have not connected a property to a client via Related Properties, but they have a street address in their Location, We need to search for those clients based on their street or suburb. We need searchable fields like House Number, Street Name, Suburb, that you can search individually.

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  19. Pocket Inbound Calls

    If a customer is already in REX/Pocket, we want the ability to be able to raise feedback/add notes for an INBOUND call, just like you can when you initiate an outbound call.

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  20. Split records function for separations and divorces

    As so much of the Real Estate sale business is based (unfortunately) on separations and divorces, it would be good to have a button/function where you can duplicate a record after settlement has occurred which will split out the records so that the former Mr & Mrs will now be two separate records meaning no awkward correspondence to the previously happy couple. :-)

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