Add 'Follow Up' to Feedback type
Rather than have to put follow up information under buyer inspection, which prompts having to put in the property address again and date, a lot of information added to vendor reports is simply 'follow up'. In other words, further conversations with a buyer after an inspection.
And by default, follow up should automatically link to the last mentioned property inspected by that buyer and load today's date.
This feature is now up and running in Rex! Thank you once again for the great suggestion. For further information check out this blog post:
Anonymous commented
-- add in as a feedback type 'Call Back' (sometime after every inspection and OFI we call buyers to assess their level of interest - what we learn from speaking to buyers in these call backs is often valuable information the seller needs to hear about (delivered via the vendors report and or in person).
Anonymous commented
Need to add a follow up note so that vendors are aware we have followed up with the buyer so they can get 'closure' if the buyer is not interested or follow the progress if the buyer is interested.
Stephen commented
Can you make it possible to add categories to the feedback type? e.g. have entered some feedback from an inspection, later have spoken to the buyer again and have more feedback. Only way I can see is to edit the past inspection, add another inspection or put the second down as another enquiry. Maybe something like buyer feedback? If we update an old post it might be missed in the report to the seller. Would be best to have a chronological update of activity/feedback