Attach Vendor Statements to Documents Tab
In Victoria we supply interested buyers with the Vendor Statement or Section 32. It would make our agents life easier if this could be done directly from REX. Unfortunately, the document tab can only upload documents of a certain size limit. Vendor Statements can be quite large and the facility just doesn't allow for this. At a quick glance it would also advise all agents that the Vendor Statement is now available. This is not a request, in Victoria this is a legal requirement and should be a feature on REX.

Uploading documents up to 30 MB is now supported in each of properties, contacts and listings.
Hi Helen,
1. How large is quite large - 20MB, 50MB, 100MB, 10GB?
2. What is the size of your documents when you zip them.
3. Have you tried compressing the documents in other ways before uploading?