Freeform text box for salutation
It would be great to have a freeform text box for our clients preferred names (salutations). For example, some of our elderly clients like to be addressed as 'Mr & Mrs Smith', others prefer Steph & Ryan other 'Mr & Mrs R Smith' etc. This way we can use a 'salutation' merge field in letters, emails and newsletters and always have the correct name used for the client.
Currently, if we only have a surname against the contact but use the incorrect merge field, no information is pulled through (blank info).
If we could have a field in the contact details where we could pre-choose the salutation name we could solve this problem.

We’re happy to announce this suggestion has been brought to life by our developers and is now live in the system.
That’s right, you can now include a middle name, a legal name, a salutation and the addressee to a contact record. Rex will use the right one when sending emails, newsletters, filling out contracts, etc.
These new fields can be accessed per usual from the contact’s name settings, and when editing existing contacts.
For a full update on todays releases, check out our release article on the Rex blog:
Anonymous commented
Ive been told i need to vote to get this basic function implemented... We just sent out a big Newsletter to hundreds of people and we didn’t know that companies drawn from Rex will not get a name brought over to the newsletter…
The link you sent me doesn’t show how we do that? So we had written in ‘Dear {{names}}’. How do we get a salutation for companies? There is the same issue with sending bulk letters from Rex as there is no where to put a salutation for a company, so the letters essentially say ‘Dear (company name), instead of ‘Sir/Madam’, or a more personal first name, if we know one. Is there a way around that yet as well? It makes us look a bit silly.
Also, if there is a way, we would obviously have to make sure we can use the two fields together in the newsletter/letter. Like, Dear {{names}}{{companysalutation}}, and make sure having one field cancels the other one out so we don’t end up with ‘Dear Sir/MadamLJ Hooker Brisbane West’, if that makes sense… -
andy commented
Enter Salutations and Second contact info for new contacts on first new contact screen
Anonymous commented
Would be good if we had contacts with multiple names and identical surnames to display better.. IE:
If you have a contact named: Brian Smith
and you add a name to the contact (Brian's wife): Wendy SmithTheir names are displayed everywhere as: Brian Smith & Wendy Smith
Why not get the system to recognise this and just display: Brian & Wendy Smith
Just a thought.