Add text field for middle names
We’re happy to announce this suggestion has been brought to life by our developers and is now live in the system.
That’s right, you can now include a middle name, a legal name, a salutation and the addressee to a contact record. Rex will use the right one when sending emails, newsletters, filling out contracts, etc.
These new fields can be accessed per usual from the contact’s name settings, and when editing existing contacts.
For a full update on todays releases, check out our release article on the Rex blog:
Vicki Dwyer commented
Add the ability to add a nickname to a contact's full name, as we have many clients that go by an abbreviated name, and "English" name or even a nickname. That way when we conduct a contact search we can also use their nickname to find the contact easier on REX. We can also address our contacts correctly, as some people prefer to be addressed by their nickname, and save any embarrassment/confusion, and save on double contact entries being created in REX.