Tracks - Being able to choose the order of the reminders within the track
We would like to use the tracks as a checklist in listings and currently they can't go in any order.. Having that option is a crucial factor.

With the recent release of our enhanced reminders functionality we're happy to say that you can now use tracks as checklists and set the order of how reminders will appear
Kylie Jordan commented
This would save so much time - I just messaged support about this - the only work around I can find is to delete my tracks and start again. Please create a drag and drop function for the track templates, please :)
Jasmin Owen commented
Similar idea posted earlier. Need this ability!
Jasmin Owen commented
Need this, either order in the track settings or once reminders are set as part of a track.
Starr Partners commented
Agreed, when processes change and you add a new task it goes to the bottom which is not necessarily the order in which you would like it to be in. To be able to click and drag the task to the position you would like it would be a game changer.
Team PP commented
We would like the ability to easily change the order of reminders in tracks. If for example there are 30 reminders for tasks to do on Day 1 after getting a new listing, we want to be able to put them all in order of how they should be done.
Rebecca commented
This would be so useful! Our tracks have many tasks happening on the one day that clearly have to happen in a particular order, but Rex has the reminders come up haphazardly (possibly ordered in the order they were originally entered, but then it changes when a track task gets edited). It would be SO amazing to be able to number the order of the reminders!