Report for portal errors
It would be great to have a report that would identify if any uploads are not going through to portals instead of having to check each individual listing

In our classic reporting centre, under Listings & Uploads we have the Published Listings with Errors report which shows you all the listings that have errors preventing upload to portals.
Paula Spencer commented
It would be better than great to have this feature!!
Linda Arnott commented
It would be great to be able to search and get a report on properties that are not feeding or coming up with errors to portals. We have had a number of these and it is annoying when the client contacts you and tells you the property is coming up for sale when the property has sold and settled.
Anonymous commented
It would be great to get a report when properties are seeing through to portals, since I manage all listings for our company around NZ, I don't have time to go in and check each one individually if it stops feeding for any reason.
Jaime commented
Also be useful when publishing to external websites failed.
Anonymous commented
Or if it can be a search critiera would be fantasic then we can click into each listing from the listing screen to see the errors and what websites.