Filter by interest level
When you get a list of buyers from the feedback on a listing, you can't filter them based on their Interest level from the feedback.
This would be a great option for filtering your buyers based on that feedback.

Good news everyone, this feature is now available! You can read more about it in our blog post here:
Anonymous commented
Noticing this went in the pipeline in 2016... any chance of bringing it further up the list? I need to SMS all my buyers market “hot” and have no way to do this.... seems pretty fundamental to me...??
Anonymous commented
Agreed! please implement, thank you :)
Anonymous commented
This is a must have, please implement ASAP
Anonymous commented
2.5 years in the making???? Surely a necessary, basic function of any functioning CRM doesnt take that long to implement????
Josh Edgar commented
so can anyone tell me where are we with this?
Mark commented
This is really critical to effective buyer management. You really need an easy way to bulk email all open home attendees of an auction reminder or similar... except for those that have a "cold" interest level. Or you might want to update some critical information only to contacts that gave "hot" feedback.
It's really time consuming manually going through all the contacts trying to pick out the ones you want to communicate with.
Please prioritise this!!!
Ian Macintosh commented
Buyer management seems to be a key gap with my version of Rex. It is very clunky (at best) and not as functional as other systems out there.
As a new user I'm surprised by the lack of functionality available to bulk-manage buyers at a specific property level.
As an easy-to-implement work around, please enable a bulk extract of Notes and Feedback (all fields), for a selectable date-range or Listing/Property. As long as it had the ContactName and ListingAddress, I could then do the rest in Excel.
Anonymous commented
Guys any update on this? It's been 10 months since it was moved to planning.
Josh Edgar commented
Hey any update on this? It is too time consuming to add a tag of hot or warm buyers for xyz address, so this would be so useful. How else do you suggest you keep track of your buyers interest levels without manually looking at each buyer? My suggestion to where this could be added, is where you "view list of listings attached to feedback" then the filter box comes up, you could add in 4 more boxes, not sure what to call it but one without hot cold or war, then hot, cold, warm. This way you could prepare a report of all "offers" and a list of other buyers who were "hot". this would be a great tool for management of buyers and also letting the vendors know who hot and who's not. Also, in the current report, where it currently state hot cold warm, if this could be colour coded to the actual colour, this would make scanning through the current report easier.
Anonymous commented
Any update on the progress for this?
Emma Slape commented
Hey there, any progress on this one, it really would be awesome as it would prioritise your call back list every week - every agent would have to love that!
Please vote for this feature agents. -
Anonymous commented
It would be good to have the ability to easily bring up all the contacts who have been marked as "HOT" "WARM" or "COLD" interest in a property so you can easily, instead of having to go into each feedback record to see if they are H, W or C.
Also to have the contacts who are H, W, C appear under that section on the Vendor Reports.
Emma Slape commented
When you have coded hot or warm buyers against a property (ie, coding the interest in the property, not the individual), you need to be able to navigate to them to be able to contact them via bulk message - ie to let them know the auction is tomorrow, that the property has received offers, if they want to make one, etc. This would be used constantly and needs to be added.