Creating ABA files
It would be great to have to ability to create ABA files for payments so they can be automatically loaded to the bank. By entering clients BSB and account details in the contact tab the system then creates a batch which can be loaded to the bank and the fields where you enter the account name, BSB and Acct# can also be available as merge fields

Anonymous commented
Hi Alex, do we have an update on the ABA files? We note that your response on 18 January 2017 was marked as 'Under Review'. We would love to hear how this is progressing.
Anonymous commented
Are we any closer to having this implemented?
Daniel Lamanna commented
Bendigo Bank - I am absolutely shocked to find the REX does not have this functionality. The idea was shared over 2 years ago and has a large amount of people asking for it. happy its under review - would be happier to have the function. New to the program.
Anonymous commented
we have only just discovered that Rex does not have this function. This is essential moving forward for us. We bank with Macquarie Bank.
Anonymous commented
ANZ Bank - we just changed over and feel this function is essential coming from software with this.
Brooke commented
Larena Butler commented
Hi Alex we use Bendigo and Westpac, thanks for asking!
AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
On that note, if anyone else has any screenshots from other systems follow the instructions i've given to Anita below, will help speed up the process a bit.
AdminAlex Babkov (Admin, Rex Software) commented
Anita - we have some thoughts on how this should work - doesn't hurt to see other systems though, shoot through details via a support request with an attachment and let them know i requested the information - they should assign the ticket to me.
Blake commented
Suncorp & Macquarrie
Anonymous commented
Aaron Knook commented
We use Commonwealth and NAB
Thanks :)
Anonymous commented
Commonwealth Bank
Natasha commented
Hi Alex
We are with Commonwealth Bank.
Natasha -
Lisa Burgess commented
Hi Alex,
We use the National Australia Bank.
Thank you.
Anita Harrington commented
We use Bendigo bank. Previously we added a code in the back end for which bank we used so that the Aba file was accepted. I think each bank have there own code. In Victoria only certain banks are accepted by consumer affairs for operating trust accounts. This information is on their website.
If you need any further helpbwithbthis or would like to see how creating Annaba file is done through another trust account I still have rpoffice on my computer and can show you the process to give you an idea of how it operates. Cheers Anita
Larena Butler commented
Yes I agree, I just transferred from another CRM with an ABA file function and cannot believe all payments to creditors come up as individual transaction through the trust account - we desperately need to have an ABA file to do bulk payments reconciliations correctly.
Anonymous commented
Can we please have the ability to do a Trust Account Ledger Transfer to the bank account correctly - through an ABA file upload etc? This should be a compulsory feature so that Trust reconcilliations can be done correctly.
Natasha commented
Cannot agree more. We moved from a system which has the ABA function and it was a lot quicker! And less error prone...
Anita Harrington commented
I agree this would be particularly good for paying VPA payments to a creditor. Life would be so much quicker and easier and there should elimiate the errors.