Legal name field in on a contact record
When you enter a contact i think having a spot for a legal name section would be beneficial we have a lot of contacts who's legal name is complete different to the name they want to be addressed by
We’re happy to announce this suggestion has been brought to life by our developers and is now live in the system.
That’s right, you can now include a middle name, a legal name, a salutation and the addressee to a contact record. Rex will use the right one when sending emails, newsletters, filling out contracts, etc.
These new fields can be accessed per usual from the contact’s name settings, and when editing existing contacts.
For a full update on todays releases, check out our release article on the Rex blog:
Octavia commented
When creating a contact, we add the persons preferred name (Jo instead of Joanne) so when we send them letters and emails they don't get offended. But when they buy a property, we have to change their name to their full legal name, create the receipt, and then change the name back to their preferred name so they don't get offended when sending out letters etc. So being able to add legal name to a contact to be able to merge into trust account receipts etc would be a huge help