Having the option to save a PDF Letter straight to the documents tab
Currently PDF letters sent via email from REX are only temporary files and disappear after two weeks, however these letters are usually important documents that are referred to at at later date e.g. Settlement Statements. It would be great if there was an option for the PDF letter document to be saved directly to the document tab in REX without us having to download-save-upload to this tab.
You can send emails as real attachments, so they are no longer links. These attachments are normal files so they will not expire. While they don't save to the documents tab, this allows you to always access the files if you need.
You can access it under Advanced Settings > Communication Settings by ticking "send as file attachments" https://app.rexsoftware.com/admin/settings/communication_settings
Anonymous commented
Would be so great if we had the option to then have that document upload/save to rex so we do not have to do it separately.
Anonymous commented
I don't understand why there is a shelf life????
Anonymous commented
Major flaw in the system....
Anonymous commented
It seems a major flaw in the system that you can't permanently save documents, can we get this sorted?
Jon Adams commented
Makes sense to be able to retain documents permanently not just for 2 weeks without having to download/save etc.