Creating a property and marking it as an OAB and automatically showing up on nearby (say 500m or by postcode) property entries you have.
When you enter an OAB at the moment it only shows up on the property you entered it in to. Sometimes the property that is listed is already in your database. If you see a property has gone on the market you should be able to create a new property if needed (or edit an existing one) and mark it as a OAB. Then that would integrate with other listings (via postcode or distance on google map) an add to the OAB tab automtically for all properties in the area. You can also set reminders to follow up after 2-3 months to see if its sold (and if not get in contact) and remove the OAB which will remove it from other entries too. Otherwise you need to find all the properties you have entered it as an OAB on and remove them individually.

Hi Derek,
You can already do this (except for maps) in Rex.
Please contact Rex support for more information on how to perform and follow up on your OAB's.