Add Advertise As Price as an option for sorting stocklists and listings
Currently there is only match as price that you can sort stocklists and listings by.
It makes more sense to have the advertise as price as the sorting option.
Hi there,
Thanks for the feedback.
Because the advertise as field is a text field, you can not sort by advertise as.
It wouldn’t know how to sort a listing which had advertise as price set to ‘Auction’ for example.
For further info, please contact Rex Support.
Anonymous commented
10% Leeway for advertising portals higher and lower than listed price. E.g. $419,000 advertised property I would like to show up in the under $400k and over $400k property searchers but this isn't possible. allow a 10% margin each way but REX doesn't allow this.
Emma commented
Can stocklists be sorted by listing price (asc)?? I can only seem to sort by match price..?