Link both contact and property in notes / reminders etc
Have the capacity to link a contacts and properties through notes / reminders etc.

We’re pleased to announce that this suggestion has been brought to life by our developers.
For a full overview of all feature releases checkout our Rex release notes via the below link:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our support team at, they’ll gladly walk you through it.
Anonymous commented
at present you can add feedback under 3 options and have that info relate to the property and onto the vendor report. It would be good to have a 4th option "note" so when you follow up this contact and get feedback on their interest in the it can be registered against the contact and it doesnt look like its another enquiry. or inspection. you can leave a note on the property via agent notes but then it doesnt feed back to the contact which creates double entry.
Hi Kris,
Yes - please get in touch via or contact support via the help icon in the top right hand corner of the dialog - they'll be able to help you out with your query.
Tom - notes are for recording details for internal use. You have the "Agent Vendor" feedback entry type to note down conversations you've had with the vendor that you want to appear on the feedback report.
Hi Kris,
This should already be possible - you might want to get in touch with support for more info. If you're looking for functionality beyond what is already available could you clarify a bit further for our other users?