Bulk email property brochure to (reverse) matched buyers
We can currently only email a brochure to individual buyers via the buyer's 'match' button. It would be super efficient to be able to send a brochure for that property to all matching buyers via the 'reverse match' feature on the property page, rather than having to go to create a new newsletter/template for every single new listing.
New Listing -> match -> select relevant buyers (these are all current features)... Just need to add -> 'email brochure' to the mass actions list.

John Hamilton commented
It would be nice to be able to do a bulk email to buyers which includes a link to the property via reverse match i.e. A price change on a property, property back on market etc. without having to individually go through each buyer contact which is time consuming.
Anonymous commented
Hi there, has there been any progress with this I am having agents in my office regularly wanting to know how this can be done.
Anonymous commented
Hi Mark, I completely agree with your feature request. This is especially relevant within our office we have a lot of rural sales. The agents like to personalize the email with current listings attached because they are consistently in touch with those in the rural community. To set up a rural match profile for a farmer is not something they feel comfortable doing because they want to know exactly what content they are getting and when they are receiving it. Rather than them not thinking we are doing our drop properly because they have specifically requested no farms with woodlots or a specific type of citrus tree growing etc. etc.
Mark Poole commented
Yes I'm aware of the automated email, but I want to select multiple appropriate individual buyers from the match list, ie, specific matches for the property in terms of style, distance from station. Not every 4 bedroom home will be relevant to every buyer who wants a 4 bedroom home and I don't want to bombard every buyer with potentially irrelevant emails. Eg, Mrs Smith wants a 3 bed cottage style home with no reno's required within a km from town- I don't want her getting auto emails for every 3 bed home that comes on the market.
Regardless, my request was valid 11 months ago when I posted it, i have a manual workaround now.
Thanks anyway tho.
Hi there,
Thanks for your suggestion.
This is something you can already do in Rex.
As long as the Match profiles are setup to send an email, your contacts will receive automated emails.
For more information, please contact Rex Support!