Reintroduction of agent 'position' in their profile.
This will allow merge letters to show agent's position and not having to manually add this to each and every letter produced.

Hi Everyone,
Agents can change their position title by following these steps:
> Hi their name (in the top right hand corner)
> Profile
> Type their position into the ‘Position’ text box
You then have the ability to add their position to merges by selecting the merge letter/email etc you wish to edit and selecting:
> Insert merge tag
> Contact (Record Owner) from the drop down
> Contact record owner [Position]
If you require additional help with these steps please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly support team who will be more than happy to assist you.
Hi there,
Thanks for sending this through.
I do apologise about the delay in updating this, but this is something that is already available.
Admin staff can add 'Position' in from - Admin > Users & Security > - then choose the agent, and in the General Details there is a section for 'Position'.