Extra Tabs for Rates in Listing Details
I understand that you can add this information into the property information, but I want to add it to the listing information.
Reason for this is that I print off the Listing detail sheets for my sales reps and this info needs to be included to refer to at a glance.
For now I have put the information into “notes”, although it would be better if some extra tabs were included in say OTHER DETAILS for example.
As I said before I require the following tabs to appear in this section:
• Council Rates p/a
• Water Rates p/a
• Strata Levies p/qtr
• Reserve fund p/qtr

We already have functionality in Rex that you can use to achieve what you just described. Our support team will be happy to show you how – you can contact them at support@rexsoftware.com
Kristen commented
We want this too plus rental rate p/w
Daryl Spence commented
yes i totally agree and so should the RV needs to be added , pretty basic stuff these should have been able to be added , whoever designed this program hasn't really got a clue about real estate