Open Homes In Pocket need to become more simple
When using Pocket at an OFI it is very difficult to multi-task between signing people in, sending contracts, adding buyers notes and editing/adding emails etc. Having used other open home apps such as Homepass, I know the process can be much simpler.
I believe it was just dumbed down to quickly check buyers in, send contracts and add notes it would work much better. Then if agents want to do the more technical stuff they can use the contacts section f pocket.

We’re excited to let everyone know that we’ve released an overhaul to our open homes feature, streamlining it significantly in order to let you do more with less tapping around.
Read more on our blog post:
Tyran Murphy commented
Thank you for actioning this one! Almost a year later I can say the process is much more simple and now it's a great tool for OFI's
Anonymous commented
I struggle to find all the contacts associated with a property, too hard to find and I have to go back to every open home to see guests, not easy if you have had a property on the market for a long time