Upload photos to listing from Pocket
Upload photos to listings from Pocket and not into documents.
If property photos are on your phone they should be able to be uploaded directly onto the listing and in bulk - not one at a time.

Thanks for the suggestion! The ability to upload listing photos from within Pocket is on our roadmap. We’ll let everyone know when it’s available.
Anonymous commented
That's awesome guys!!! Will be super.
David Johnson commented
It would be great if you could take the photo from the Pocket app (in the property) rather than having to take it in the phone's photo app then select it from Pocket.
Anonymous commented
We have always been able to add a photo as a 'file' through Pocket but never have it show up in the photo thumb nails. it makes perfect sense.
Anonymous commented
Showing a vendor their property could be listed 'on the spot' with photos would be ideal!