Search by Postal address
Can you please add the feature Search by Postal Address of a contact in the database. It would be a huge time saver as to the roundabout method I have to use now when I know the address and cant remember the people's names. I am sure we all suffer from that issue. Ultimately this added feature would save a lot of embarrassment.
PS Is it also possible to add a little text to the fields that is the name of the field we are entering the information on? I have only just realised that the field I am referring to is called Postal Address. There are so many address fields. Which one is it defined in the system as?

As part of our global search overhaul, we introduced the ability to be able to search by a contact's address and their postal address!
Michael commented
This should be like all basic search's. Any search by name, address or number etc. should bring up the contact
Justin Hawley commented
I'd like to add that the address and postal fields should work the same way when creating a property record. Keeping the formatting consistent would be super useful, especially the Suburb selection part. Not saying the UI needs to be the same, but a freeform text box has caused us issues with quality data entry.