Automatically add contacts from Homepass OFI's into a Rex Mailing List
It would be really useful for any contact checked in from Homepass to be added to a mailing list ‘Homepass” and also tagged “Homepass”. Assuming that the coding checked to see if they were already on the list to avoid duplication (in the event that a person comes through a home opens twice or has been previously checked in elsewhere)
That way we can simply send the ‘Homepass’ list our OFI guide each week to ensure they’re kept up to date and not lost in the system.

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for voting! Going forward we will be adding a tag to any contacts updated or added by Homepass. The tag will be called ‘homepass’.
You will then be able to add your mailing list by filtering this tag and adding the mailing list. If you require help with filtering and applying the mailing list as a mass action please contact our support team for help content.
The reason we will not automatically add a mailing list is because not all contact will want to be automatically added to your mailing list.
If you would like an ‘add to mailing list’ checkbox in the Homepass application please contact Homepass to suggest this to them.