more options for a simpler export
From a marketing perspective, rex export file is incompatible with a majority of the programs we use to export the data into mainly because the "bare bones" data still contains too much data and there isn't options to do things like split first name and last name (even though when importing these are seperate fields we aren't able to have seperate name fields in the export. If i could suggest the barest export you can do would include name, email, phone number- with the option to split the profiles name and add a column to export which tags have been added to these users. in the bare bones export i dont think the rex id column, or the type column to say whether they are a human is necessary. With more options to control what is included in the export and the ability to make it simpler will not only make it a more seamless experience for your users having to do less work formatting the document on their end but also will save time exporting as large as a file as it is by not including unnecessary information. Thank you and I hope this is a change that will be considered.